Friday, February 18, 2011

Ten Things We Know About Ann-Lisette

Ann-Lisette is shorter than Taylor.
Prettier than Taylor.
Loves her art.
Loves her dog, oh, and Taylor.
Cries on camera better than Taylor.
Has a crummy appendix.
Is surrounded by family and friends who love her.
Is in most excellent medical hands. Thanks Jane, again.
Has courage beyond her size.
After all she braves the Taylor Family Reunion year after year.
No one as fresh, perky, sassy, pretty, and smart will let a little ole' thing like a diseased appendix get her down.

You are surrounded, not only by love, but prayer, for your speedy return to health.
Take time to heal and let every one wait on you hand and foot, just like the princess you are.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Ann-Lisette is having a crummy day. She has been at Mercy since early today with terrible abdominal pain. They decided she has an infected appendix and needs it removed. She is in emergency surgery now and the Taylor, Harris, and Caveny families are in the waiting room. Please say a little prayer for her.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Through the Back Door

So, Marc wanted to share a link with the whole Taylor clan.
He aimed it at The Spirit of Maxine Taylor Family Blog spot...

...alas he missed.

So, Marc sent the link to his dad
Who sent it to me via email
For me to open and read
For me to copy and paste
For me to post it to the blog.

Like I said, through the back door.
None the less it is done
Copied, pasted, posted for Marc
With love

(You just gotta love the big lug)
Maybe his mind is other wise engaged,
Maybe he is thinking about his soon to be missing body part.

We love you, will be thinking of you, and a few will be praying for you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ain't It Awful

The theme of this weeks Taylor Blog is resilience towards all the "ain't it awful" parts of our life. Yes, we have awful parts: falls, desires thwarted, unfairness, accidents, deteriorating health, but we are blessed beyond measure with beauty, family, love: Brittany overcomes, Jane endures, Nora pursues, Marc prepares, Claire continues, Jan heals, Connor's runny nose dries up, and ain't it awful fades.

I want to give a tribute to my three sons.
It takes all three to keep me going.
Roger keeps my house going; fixes things, does my taxes and loans me money when needed. Christian keeps my car going; and everyone elses. He gives me confidence as I wheel my twenty-six mile commute. Ian keeps me going: he does the groceries, the vacuuming, the floor mopping, and lots of other household tasks from grating cheese to ironing kerchiefs. I commented on this to Roger the other day and he said, "It takes a village to raise a mom."

I saw a sign: Be modest, a lot was done before you were born.

Nora send me the info on the cruise: I might, might be able to think about it at least. Dates and where to find the dreaded cost.

Here are some bucket list ideas for your consideration:
Go hunting
Take archery
Been kayaking?
Watch Elling
Get some kinky boots
Build a model: airplane, car, boat
Run a marathon
Fuchsia hair
Brew some beer or wine or moonshine
Stand on a street corner and panhandle
Feed the homeless
Get Andrew a date
Horse shoes?
Kleenex art
Make a list of all the lists you want to make
Photograph fountains
Sew a bandanna
Grow a tomato or plant a tree
Bake bread
Make a movie
Get a celebrities autograph
Scuba or skydive
Paint a picture
Write something
Write your memoirs
Write a poem for your cat, mom, nature, family
Jeff alone should be good for several weeks
Adopt a pet
Adopt a cause
Start a revolution
Cut your hair and donate to Locks of Love
Take a poll
Plan your retirement
Visit seven cousins
Donate your organs
See how many words you can make out of Chattanooga Tennessee
Plan your funeral
Go to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Or the top of Mt Rainier
or my personal favorite
Ride in a hot air balloon
or do none of the above and just continue to enjoy your life as is.

Now I am uninspired and pooped -- ain't it awful.

Monday, February 7, 2011

2011 - The Year of the Whale

Hello Taylor Family,

I am turning 30 this year and in honor of my mid-mid-life crisis, I wanted to mark some things off my bucket list. That being said, I'm going on an Alaskan cruise with Mom, Dad, and yes... even Andrew. We are sailing out of Seattle on a 7 night Sawyer Glacier cruise. I will finally see whales as they migrate up the coast! All are welcome and if you are interested in cruising with us, please email me for details.

Since I don't contribute to this awesome blog as much as I should, I will continue to say that for 2011 my new year's resolution is to do something new every week and here is what I have done so far:
Week 1 - Try Spudnuts (that's doughnuts made out of potato flour). Mom and Jeff went with me to Jay, OK and we sampled their spudnuts. Not worth the trip.
Week 2 - Attempt to crochet by watching You Tube videos
Week 3 - Actually crochet by having Mom's lovely neighbor Colleen teach me
Week 4 - Take a Zumba class (so much fun!)
Week 5 - In progress... my goal is to become ordained online as a minister. Just because.
Week 6 - Visit Denver, CO

And for the rest of the year... who knows?! I've tentatively planned to audition for a local musical, attend a roller derby match - I thought about trying out for the team but when I saw the meat on these girls I chickened out, take Irish dance lessons, and learn some guitar. If you have any other ideas, please let me know because I've got 52 weeks to fill.

Sending out my love long distance,

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Lynn, if you don't have Claire on any pagan prayer lists, please get busy. I am counting on you to cover that end of the religious spectrum. The Catholics have their end covered. I am expecting at least one Native American and two or three India gurus and maybe a shaman.

Help, help, help, we need your special insider link, your spiritual connection to the alternatives. You are the best at summoning and imaging. Your prayers always have a powerful result.

Thanks oh wonderful and powerful friend.