Monday, February 7, 2011

2011 - The Year of the Whale

Hello Taylor Family,

I am turning 30 this year and in honor of my mid-mid-life crisis, I wanted to mark some things off my bucket list. That being said, I'm going on an Alaskan cruise with Mom, Dad, and yes... even Andrew. We are sailing out of Seattle on a 7 night Sawyer Glacier cruise. I will finally see whales as they migrate up the coast! All are welcome and if you are interested in cruising with us, please email me for details.

Since I don't contribute to this awesome blog as much as I should, I will continue to say that for 2011 my new year's resolution is to do something new every week and here is what I have done so far:
Week 1 - Try Spudnuts (that's doughnuts made out of potato flour). Mom and Jeff went with me to Jay, OK and we sampled their spudnuts. Not worth the trip.
Week 2 - Attempt to crochet by watching You Tube videos
Week 3 - Actually crochet by having Mom's lovely neighbor Colleen teach me
Week 4 - Take a Zumba class (so much fun!)
Week 5 - In progress... my goal is to become ordained online as a minister. Just because.
Week 6 - Visit Denver, CO

And for the rest of the year... who knows?! I've tentatively planned to audition for a local musical, attend a roller derby match - I thought about trying out for the team but when I saw the meat on these girls I chickened out, take Irish dance lessons, and learn some guitar. If you have any other ideas, please let me know because I've got 52 weeks to fill.

Sending out my love long distance,

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