Friday, August 10, 2012



The young Carrillo clan went to Stephanie's family reunion in Colorado and had a ball four wheeling and razoring (what ever that is) eating and sleeping, camping and climbing. Roger and Stephanie have now bought a pop-up camper that Connor is the proud owner of. He knows which clip to loosen and where the chocks go and how to crank up and down and which bar goes where. He is ready to fill it with water and plug it in if only a daddy would back off a little bit and let a guy do his work.

The young Carrillo clan are getting ready for the annual boat trip to Canada with the Fortener clan. 

My friend Mary came back from her family reunion at Flathead lake in Montana and she had a ball swimming and playing with the grandkids, joining the folks scarfing up food that was laid out by various family members, and taking a grand boat tour of the lake.

My friend Carol is getting ready for her family camping trip at Blue Lake here in Washington and she always has a ball. Just ask her and she will tell you. A tradition of many years with memories of rain, heat, wind, fish caught and not caught, sound familiar?

Christian's girl, Bo, is visiting her family in Korea. Haven't got word back on the "ball" bit but I know she was traveling to an island for a wedding and has spent some time in a rural area where she and Christian were out of electronic communication for a bit.

Claire already has her reservations for a Christmas trip to Minnesota. Again family, food, visits and laughter.

There is the world famous Taylor Family Reunion looming on the horizon for those who think of such things.

Ian's friends babies have all turned one year old, so he has gone on a round of family birthday parties lately.

Babies growing is the surest part of families.

I've had son's dinners, another birthday, new bra's, new glasses, a few days off from work, some babysitting duties while Connor's daycare center was closed for it's week of vacation, computer problems, transmission problems, I had to drive into Seattle for an hours worth of mandatory training on my day off.  I read a great book about a tough childhood. I used to think mine was tough till I read this book -- read it -- The Glass Castle. Another good book was Broken for You which was set in Seattle. That is always fun. The book was not quite true but wonderful somehow. No great movies lately.

Families: Roger was going to get me a handy man for my birthday, Christian sent me to his transmission man, Ian does many domestic duties. It takes a village to keep mom going.

Thank heaven for families.

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