Friday, October 5, 2012

Cherished Day

I bought the groceries.
I built the lasagna.
Ian did everything else.
Christian fixed my phone.
Roger, Stephanie and Connor were late.

The bubbles I planned did not glow in the dark but Connor loved his glow sticks anyway. Instead of glow in the dark bubbles we had a glow stick "hunt." When he hid them for me he kept showing me where they were. Gotta love a three year old.

The tuxedo cake was fantastic, the most expensive I've ever bought, but that was okay, Ian shared the cost and the bread was Jimmy Johns day old submarine sandwich bread so it helped to off set the cost of the cake. Again fantastic.

Christian picked out all the mushrooms and zucchini but went back for seconds.
Bo liked the mushrooms and zucchini and ate Christian's.
My friend Carol says that's a couples thing.
Roger kept eating Connor's Trader Joe's mini chocolate chip cookies.

Bo was back from Korea -- with gifts. She said butterflies and dragons were easy to find, turtles not so much. However I now have two new turtles in my collection. She went to a soap making class but decided hers was ugly and bought me a bar instead, beautiful with a butterfly emblem. She said in Korea the butterfly is emblematic of feminine, chili peppers are masculine. Makes sense to me.

Christian was teaching Connor to say something and said, "That's okay, I'm already teaching one person to speak English I might as well teach two." This incensed Stephanie. Christian defended himself by saying, "Bo asked me to correct her English" to which Stephanie replied, "Yeah that's like a woman asking, 'Do I look fat in this dress?'" Gotta love Stephanie.

Connor wasn't eating lasagna so I took him to the refrigerator to pick out something to eat. He picked an egg and said first we have to crack it and then stir it. I said yes and then granny will cook it. "NO," he said, "IF YOU COOK IT WE WILL DIE." Hum not sure about that one. What has Stephanie told him about my cooking? Well this granny didn't want him to die so we microwaved it instead and he took the next two hours to eat it.

One of my gift boxes from Bo had this ornate Korean writing on it and I asked Bo what it said. She didn't know, then I turned the box over and saw it said Anne Dolly. I tell you ornate and upside down it looked foreign.

It was a beautiful evening.

They opened a vegetarian restaurant at University Village. I mentioned that regular restaurants have token veggie plates and wondered if a vegetarian restaurant would have a token hamburger -- damn -- they do. A kiddie burger, but red meat none the less.

Brittany is getting older, Jerry is getting younger or at least his heart has had a boost. Everyone Else's heart seems to be ticking along. Tal is retired. Reunion is nigh. Baby is coming. I've decided not to make yellow lentil Indian stew for the one pot meal. You can thank me later.

I have fourteen books started and none finished. I watched a very strange Turkish film, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia. If you have seen it tell me what was the point, the plot, the resolution.

The only whoop-dee-do in my life was five tour buses followed me off I-5 the other morning on my way to work. If they were going to Key Arena they should have got off at Mercer Street not Stewart Street. All I could see was these huge, black, glistening buses, so I asked at work who was coming to perform. Only Jan would be ignorant of the fact that Madonna was coming to town.

Roger is running his first 50k, Stephanie is ramping up for her 1/2 marathon in San Francisco -- girls only. Ian is traveling. Christian is smiling. Everyone is happy.

A cherished day. So perfect it made me cry.

I didn't know Marc was teaching that is one of the perils of living 2,000 miles away, but don't you worry in a few weeks I will catch up.

A cherished reunion is nigh.
How many days Brittany?

1 comment:

  1. enjoyed a peek at the working of your family dinner, and surprised that the vegetarian restaurant had a token carnivore dish; your co-workers sure the buses weren't for Michele Obama, or maybe that were going to see both
