Friday, May 2, 2014

...and That is a Lot of Love

7.16 billion people in the world and most of them are loved by someone.
That is a lot of love floating around on the planet. 
Infusing it. 
Lifting it.

If you hold all the love you have for others: sisters, children, grannies, dogs in one hand, and you hold all your pain, frustration, anger, and hatred in the other, how would your scales balance out? What would your contribution to the world's love equation be? Would it be a net gain or a net loss? Can you find one more person to love -- to help breed more love into the Earth's atmosphere? If not a person, how about a banana, a pet, or experience. Any person, place or thing will do.

It seems easy to love flowers and birds in-spite of their differences to humans, in-spite of their differences to each other, a hummingbird is quite different to a bald eagle, migratory or not. Different animals; wolf, bison, horny toad, whales, different flowers; daisy to hot house orchid, all seem lovable.

Love for a team
a family
sea life
ripening corn

The Dali Lama loves everyone.

What I'm trying to say is love seems easy and if it's easy why do humans have so much dis-ease. I know, I know, people die on highways, the rain forest is disappearing, drug lords still reign, corruption is common, but can't we love around the corners of these things, the edges, the essence of something good even in the not so good. 

The smoking area at my downtown building is in the back, way in the back, with a container for the butts so nasty smokers like myself don't throw them down on the pavement. The homeless, the bums, the neighborhood shelter guys, the street teens come regularly to check the container for usable, smoke-able, left overs. They don't hang around, they don't litter, they don't beg or make a nuisance of themselves, they just check the container then move on, to check the next container I suppose. 

There is one security guy who comes regularly to dump water in the container to ruin it's contents. Seems the opposite of love to me, but I want to love around the corners of these things, the edges, the essence of something good even in the not so good. 

Love: ease and dignity, a spiritual balance, at home in one's universe and satisfied with it.

You know how much you loved when you feel how much you grieve.

Speaking of love; I would love to see Nova Scotia, a rocket blast off, the blessing of the fishing fleet or animals, either one, Christian happily married, Connor reading, Roger and Stephanie back home, Ian happily engaged with his life, oh wait, he already is, Jean visiting, a cruise to Alaska, Mary achy free, Lynn's love reciprocated.

That will do for now. May you feel loved all day. 

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