Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Silent Life

A Seattle kind of day: A spectacular moon full and quiet, a drenching rain storm blew its way through to somewhere, clouds bantered about from horizon to horizon, the sun burst forth with fierce intensity, wind picked up speed and action. It was glorious fall in all its luminosity.

A graceful interlude of silence. My quiet home, quiet time, quiet habits, my quiet life.

...and then I watched the movie World War Z.

I had breakfast with Claire, lunch with Lynn, playdate with Connor, a doctor appointment where she told me 19 more things wrong with me. One mammogram, three vaccinations, multiple vials of blood, ten tests for this and that, a handicap hang tag for wobbliness and tremors, an appointment with a neurologist for wobbliness and tremors, a prescription for a cane. Yeah, that's what I said, "You need a prescription for a cane? I thought you just walked into a store and bought one." It seems if you have a prescription insurance will pay for it -- maybe.

A cold front moved in, winter coats came out, heaters cranked up. People were driving insanely. Some days the driving seems so bad you just want to get home alive. There were accidents, cars stalled, traffic so snarled and slowed down cars started jockeying for positions, jumping lanes for a fractionally better advantage -- crazy man crazy.

And pedestrians practically knocking you over to get around, ahead, or go faster then my wobbly old gait allowed -- crazy man crazy.

I forgot today was free street parking in downtown Seattle and I paid my usual $16.00 -- crazy man crazy.

So it goes, some days are silent and some days aren't.

The day the wind blew I drove to Mukilteo Beach to watch the wave action. It was fierce. Possession Sound was covered in white caps. If you have been to Mukilteo Beach you will be amazed when I tell you the tide was so high only about four feet of beach remained above the sound. High, high, high tide and people about -- walking dogs, babies, each other. It was something to see.

Speaking of silence, I haven't heard anything since the heart doctor appointment. How is Jean?

Is it snowing where you speak?

I have a list of some foodie movies for Chris Miller, good foodie movies. And a few heritage recipes for the foodie in you.

Foodie Movie List

Big Night
Babette's Feast
Mostly Martha
  NOT the American version No Resevations
Eat, Drink, Man, Woman
  The American version isn't bad, Tortilla Soup
The Lunch Box
Dinner Rush
The Trip
El Bulli: Cooking in Progress
Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Heritage Recipes:

Lora Gilbert's Southern Spicy Gingerbread

2 eggs
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup molasses
3/4 cup melted shortening
2 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons soda
2 teaspoons ginger
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup boiling water

Mix sugar, molasses, shortening
Add beaten eggs
Add dry ingredients
Add hot water
Pour greased and floured pan
Bake 350 degrees 45 minutes

Homestead Vinegar Pie Great Grandmother Gilbert's (Frank's Mother)

1/2 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons flour
Cinnamon (no amount given)
2 Tablespoons cream
3/4 cup water
2 Tablespoons vinegar

sufficient for one small pie

No other information or instructions -- good luck.

And good luck with your quiet life.


  1. If was a very chilly day . I had a photo shoot at 4pm. We lost the sun and froze. It was not successful. Oh well.

  2. Oh Lisa, I'm sorry. I know how hard you work. You are amazing. Next photo shoot the Sun and all other elements will smile on your endeavors. And if not, just smile and carry on. You are amazing.
