Thursday, August 6, 2015

Weekends! Well, My Weekend anyway.

I told a friend at work what my days off looked like. My weekend would be Dr appointments, dryer repair, Connor playdate, condo refinance, movies and books. She said, "Well, at least you should do something fun!"

A different friend said, "Self care, family love, and home healing. What a great weekend!"

Friends? Is there anything finer?
Family? Is there anything sweeter?
Home? Is there anyplace safer, where we feel more comfortable?
Entertainment? Books and movies aren't for everyone, I get that.
Love? Is there anything more sustaining?

I've been missing my family and friends. Its been a tad bit lonely around here. For all my love of solitude, its been a tad bit quiet. No Verla and Earl dropping by, or anybody else for that matter. I guess I was spoiled with visits from Jean and Julia. 
~ But ~
My trip to Flathead Lake for a book club retreat is almost here. September 14th to be exact.
Jerry and Jane have given me a big fat maybe for a driving trip to Washington in September.
Greenleaf is in October. Yes Jeff, I'll see you at Greenleaf.
Kathy Noland retires the last of December and is planning a trip to see me for the month of January.
Even Brittany was showing her Grandmother good airfare deals to travel to Seattle after the first of the year.
I love the way that girl thinks.
I'll have a long visit with Lynn today.
A short visit with Mary tomorrow.
A phone visit with Claire every Wednesday. It's official now.
~ And ~
Book club is coming. Small but sweet. It's been a long time since we all congregated. I am so looking forward to that, although I haven't read the book yet.

I love the fact that my family and friends care enough to come see me even with all my cobwebs and dust.

Except for Ian. I was trying to plan a sons dinner for his birthday August 16th. He will be busy, thank you very much. Well, how about August 23rd or this Sunday the 9th? He will think about it and let me know.

In the past year I've had to replace my coffee pot, microwave, computer, car tires, couch lamp, bedroom ceiling fan, and the air purifier (for my incessant smoking). The screen door and tub surround are still in desperate need of repair, they are on my wish list but will just have to wait. I mentioned to Ian, in passing, that we have lived here for ten years without any major repairs, and the time was coming when appliances would need replacing. Then the dryer broke. Now, Ian is mad at me for bringing bad karma into our life. I should of just kept my mouth shut, thank you very much.
God, I love Ian. 

I picked Connor up at daycare and said "Why don't we go by the grocery store and buy stuff to make dinner for dad."
He said, "I want you to buy me some Lego's." 
We didn't do either.
We went to the apartment where he had me drawing his backpack, coloring his guitar picture, cutting out rockets, admiring his swim goggles, helping him put together his Spiderman puzzle, and explaining, in detail, what came out of the round holes on the back of cars, exhaust, and Dad made dinner; meatball sandwiches and kale and brussel sprout salad, thank you very much.
God, I love them, son and man.

Roger and Connor are going to California to visit family and Legoland later this month. I'll just bet he has some new Lego's in his future, Thank you very much. 

A tomato plant update; 22 tomatoes not ripe yet and the temperature in Seattle falling to the low 70's. 

No fun movies or good books to report.

After writing my last blog on the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" and all my second hand stuff, I looked around amazed at how much second hand stuff I actually had. Besides cobwebs, I don't know where they came from. I have a bed frame that Jerry made for either Mark or Amber when they lived on Drexel. Marc might have been six years old. How long ago was that? I have a dresser that I pulled out of Roger's Aunt Sarah's garage in 1971, Roger's old TV, Carol's old couch, Claire's old rocking chair, Amber's old end table, Dad's old lamp base, Lynn's old end table, Junior Carrillo's old bookshelf he made in high school wood working class probably around 1969, and my theater chairs salvaged from The Rising Star Baptist Church. Plus crates, cotton, boxes, shelves from the barn, shelves from The Model T... I finally just quit looking around.

Tomorrow I go get my cancerous nose looked at. Today it is time to go test my blood and then wait for the dryer repairman. My "appointment" is be available from 9 AM until 1 PM, after that Lynn and I are free to go play. After all it is MY weekend.

And my friend who said, "Well, at least you should do something fun." She was also just looking out for me. 

God I love friends, thank you very much.

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