Thursday, September 10, 2015

On the Road, On the Move

On the road with -- EVERYBODY!

Tal, Julia, Chris and Nora went to Osage Hills. I saw one picture on Facebook but never heard another word. Anybody know how that excursion went? They never tell me anything.

Jeff rolls with his mighty grandsons. Always. Along with smiling boys; bikes and parks are usually included. Jeff always posts pictures on FB, bless you Jeff, you are everybody's favorite.

Connor rolled into first grade after rolling home from his legendary trip to Legoland.

Roger and Connor did the Southern California loop with lots of family and food. I think Connor was a wee bit spoiled. They stopped over for a visit with Art and Janice, but didn't make it to the beach.

Janice said her and Art's about-town travels have been hampered by the miserable heat. Tropical winds, drifts, somethings, have rolled in that bring far to much humidity. The kind of humidity that means you can breathe eight glasses of water a day. Too hot even for dog walks. I know, I know, I can't believe it either.

Ian rolled down to Arizona for a buying trip. I asked him if he had checked how hot it would be in Tucson. He had; 100 plus degrees. So don't whine Janice. Never mind, you can whine all you want. This is a case of air conditioning versus no air conditioning. Before the advent of my air conditioner I was a master whiner.

Jean gets released to roll independently today, a driver will no longer be needed or required. She also said she is rolling around her home sans cane, and she walked the entire grocery store sans cane just depending on the shopping cart. I told her don't get cocky.

I assume Marc is still rolling around in his science lab.

All the kiddo's big and small went back to school.

Christian didn't go anywhere because he was curled up with a bad back. The bane of the Taylor men. He said it only hurt when he moved.

And all you others? Brittany, Summer, Claire? Where have you been rolling?

Jerry and Jane are rolling up the highway, next stop Mukilteo, soon, today, after lunch. Actually they have been rolling EVERYWHERE. What I know of for sure is New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, and now Washington. I will get the complete scoop - soon.

Monday Jan will be on the road to Flathead Lake in Montana. With friends and family. This is for a trip that has been a long time coming. Mary has invited me to the lake house for years, Years, and I could never go, usually due to not enough accrued vacation time to go to Montana and then Oklahoma for reunion.

The one year I said Mary, I have enough time to go to Flathead with you, she said, Oh, you can't this year we are having a big reunion. Like I said, this trip has been a long time coming. I can not express how excited I am. I'm barely squeaking by with the vacation time, but I'm not missing out again, and I'm not saving any time to go to Costa Rica like some folks I know.

In a perfect world we are all different. On the road with rainbows and smiles to many destinations and experiences. Look for my toes, on the deck, at the lake, watching a sunset, smiling.

My old toes. I can't believe how old I have become. Old fart that I am I listen to old music with old ears. Climb old hills with old knees. Old habits, old sleep patterns, old books, old dust, old complaints, and old dreams coming true. Ain't life grand.

In a perfect world we are all different. Our differences amaze and entertain me. Besides the obvious of short/tall, fat/thin, it is the amazing diversity of everything else. Jobs, loves, pets, Judy and her martial arts, Ian and Brittany Spears, Hannah and her, well, her everything. Her smile, her boyfriend, her job/jobs, her puppy, her spunk, her enthusiasm, her hair. I used to tell Christian he had hair that could eat Chicago, I think Hannah's hair could eat Illinois with out a burp.

Rolling down the road of life I have lived many places; from San Diego CA, to Rochester NY. I've lived in the mountains, the dessert, at the ocean, and all of them have been beautiful, special, spectacular, and the people so very diverse. One of the biggest blessings of my life is learning to live with, appreciate, and accept human diversity. I never had the opportunity to travel world wide, but I imagine it would have exponentially been even more breathtaking to observe other cultures.

In a perfect world we are all different and all belong to the family of man -- Mexican or Syrian.

The world is so wide and I am so small.

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