Sunday, March 20, 2016

What a Time, What a Time

What a time, what a time. It was FANTASTIC!

3 states, not counting Washington and Colorado.
4 couches, 3 comfy, 1 ugly.
6 vehicles.
Climbing in and out of SUV's, trucks and vans made my old knees creak.
13 cities.
19 restaurants.
2,000 miles.
17 days.
Didn't count the family, friends, and cousins -- but a bunch.
And everyone loved.
Especially that one wee babe hanging on waiting to be born for as long as possible with mom on complete bed rest.

I said it was a family trip, Jean said it was a foodie trip, I do believe Jean was right. Besides Starbucks and Whataburger we had Cajun, Thai, burgers and fries, chicken and pies and Camarones a La Diabla. My doctor wants blood work but suggested it might be a good idea to wait until I have cleansed my system for a bit. Do you think?

I said I couldn't write it and I can't write it, but here is a peek;

Ian knew the name of the brand of stuffed animal I wanted for Hannah's new baby, since the wee girl doesn't need any more clothes to add to her collection of 200 outfits, I decided to get her a stuffed animal. She doesn't actually need that either, however Jellycat is the brand name and it has been ordered Hannah.

I will never drive in Dallas, Never, N E V E R! Taylor is a fantastic actor and worth the chauffeured drive to Dallas, thank you Jerry. The chorus was hard for me to understand, but Taylor projected like it was Lincoln Center. I only dropped my cane once, but I didn't feel too awful because his mom dropped her water bottle when she went to the play. ST Joan of the Stockyards, yes it offended everyone, but I believe religion fell the farthest from grace. Long long day, long long drive, delicious breakfast at Cindi's, delightful 84 year old Theresa, Jerry and Jane's neighbor, who came along for the adventure and talked about her store bought children. Never mind about the traffic jam.

Jerry also took me around the block a few times before we finally headed to Norman to see Clark. Lunch at Ted's which I have heard about but never been to, Mexican food at its finest and the sweetest image of Clark slipping his arm around his grandmother out of sheer love and affection.

I discovered Arbuckle Mountain Fried Pies drive up window. Yes, they were that good. Like I said, Jean knew it was a foodie trip before I did. By day five I had already been to BJ's for Cathy's birthday lunch,  Cindi's New York Deli and Bakery, Whataburger, Ted's, fried pies and S&B's burger joint in Lawton seeing Chris in all his managerial action, plus we got the manager's discount. His place is delightfully quiet, busy, friendly, helpful and delicious, no, fantastic. Thank you Chris.

One morning at Jerry and Jane's I told the dog snuggled on my lap that she would have to move because I was going to go get me a cup of coffee. Jerry said he would get it for me and did. As he set the cup down with a flourish he said, "See what I will do for my dog?" Ellie must not be disturbed. Jerry also called me "head in the sand, la la land Jan." And told me the dogs would think I was a hot rock if I didn't get up and move off the couch.  Oh the respect I get. However, I saw Jerry get out of his chair when the dog told him to,

I saw Jean make a right turn from the left turn lane. Yep, four lanes, thank God there was no other cars on the road at that time. And they call me a bad driver.

The OKC tour was fantastic, everything has changed. Besides making really really illegal right turns we gawked, backed up the street, drove around the block, and stopped in the middle of the road to gawk some more. Great drive; new revitalization, nostalgic childhood byways, city streets, country lanes, hi-ways, Route 66, parkways, extensions, and Interstate. It was all fantastic.

I saw siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins. A nervous cousin asked me "Are you going to vote for Bernie?" I was afraid to tell him I'm considered a liberal in Seattle and that might make me slightly dangerous in Oklahoma.

I loved Cousin Verla's coaster that said, "Underneath it all I am mostly naked." Fun times. Fantastic family who loves me in spite of...

My two thousand miles of travel went through wind, mist, fog, rain, deluge, monsoon and lots and lots of warm Oklahoma sunshine. The brightest sunshine being the people.

When Amber explained to Taylor that the new baby might be born on his birthday and he might have to share his birthday henceforth Taylor didn't care. He said "She can just have it." I love family.

I visited lots of gray hair, and some bald heads, and a smattering of red heads, it was fun, fun, fun.

Fellowship, fellowship, fellowship.
Food, food, food.
Fun, fun, fun.

I met a waitress at Denny's in Tulsa with the name Weather Cheyenne Angoue Rain Elizabeth Charlotte Val Haag. I had her write it down so I wouldn't forget. Got free coffee out of it. Thank you Charlotte of Denny's in Tulsa.

Jean delivered me to Tulsa, and Tal picked me up as a kindness so I could visit the Arkansas folks. Julia had to work. I remembered the time that Tal picked me up in Chicago when I rode the train up for a visit some 36 years ago when Julia had to work. Thanks again Tal.

And thank you Tal for the dinner I will not soon forget, Camarones a La Diabla. Fantastic

Michael and Branson can light up a house with activity, laughter, affection, and joy. Branson gave me a pink crayola to color with because it matched my pink shirt. It was fantastic. Branson bonded with me but he doesn't love anyone more that Tal, or Grandpa, or Michael, or Mom, or Ed, or Dad. Branson is a loving child.

In cruise ship speak I had a lazy sea day in Arkansas, nothing but relax, talk, and nap. New state, new city, new couch, and a Tal made meal. Julia had to work, again. She is trying to save her PTO for that voyage to Yucatan in December with the rest of the Bowman/Miller family and a possible surgery.

Jeff gave me a driving tour of Punkin Hollow Road,  and, ahem, "J" Street in Bentonville, J Street over and over and over. I was beginning to think the Arkansas family couldn't go to the bathroom without first getting on J Street. Since J Street is the road to everywhere else if you want to go to Nirvana first go to Bentonville and get on J Street. It was the street to UPS where I mailed my paintings home that Julia has saved for over forty years, the street to Starbucks, the restaurant The Station on the Square, The Crystal Bridge Museum, Michael's favorite barista, Jeff's favorite park for Branson, the one without swings.

If you want to see a waitress carry four large iced tea glasses in the palm of one hand have Tal and Julia take you to the Monte Ne Inn for family style fried chicken. She was fantastic, the food was fantastic, the fellowship was fantastic and it was my one sighting of Andrew. I didn't embarrass myself completely. At least I knew what he was talking about part of the time. I had actually heard of the director Jodorowsky and had seen a documentary about him. Whew... dodged that bullet.

Saturday March 12th had to of been my just about perfect day. The meet and greet Jean organized at McNellies in Tulsa with Arkansas and Oklahoma family in attendance. Jeff said, "Now that she sees what she is missing she can just have her ole' sons dinners." Only Jeff, only Jeff. I just keep staring at the two photographs taken that day. The one of the gathering at the table with Tal being Tal, and the one of the siblings outside. Perfect.

I met Chris' mom, Gloria, who refurbished an old refrigerator. A rusted out 1950's refrigerator. I've never met anyone who has done that, or thought about it, or who had a refrigerator to refurbish, or who found the parts she needed, or imagined it. She was amazing, as was the finished project. I might have new inspiration.

After lunch we all got to hang out at The Mayo Building in downtown Tulsa where Chris and Nora have their fantastic apartment even if the bathroom is slightly over Star Wars-ed. I only embarrassed myself three times, and Chris took us on a roof top tour where I was glad Julia was a nervous nellie and protected Branson while I sat and enjoyed the view. Julia is amazing.

Chris and Nora are amazing, they hosted the entire family between an organized morning run and an evening theater date in the middle of planning their Spain-England-New York-Yucatan trips. Thanks you young whippersnappers you.

The quickest quips in the west are Nora and Taylor bantering back and forth. It was enigmatic.

Julia and I took a road trip across the Southwest in about 1973 and kept a foodie diary. Fun stuff then, fun stuff now.

Simple things excite me. On our road trip to Verla's Jean and I saw a flock of wild turkeys, but the best was seeing the roadrunner in the wild leaving the hospital after visiting Hannah.

Remember Hannah and her bedrest? Well Chibi won his fourth professional fight, he is 4 and 0, and they had that beautiful baby girl. Babies are always the best. Welcome to the world, welcome to the family, welcome, welcome Little Elsie.

What a time, what a time.

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