Friday, April 8, 2011

Snow, Frogs, Boys, Games

It snowed the other day, wet slushy Seattle spring snow, both morning and afternoon.

The frogs woke up on April 2, just in time to be caught in the wet slushy Seattle spring snow.

Christian has a new girl, Jada-Moon. He said that is her first name. He didn't tell me the rest of it, but after a few more probing subtle questions he very exasperatedly said; she's thirty-five, has a seven year old daughter, and lives in Tacoma. I said isn't that a little far and he very exasperatedly said well it's not as far as Olympia. (Where a girl lived he used to date) I decided I'd better not query any more.

Stephanie has a new car. A long elegant Subaru Legacy Sedan. Connor is in love; as they were showing it to me Connor pulled every lever, knob, switch, button, or control with a big ole smile on his face and one eye on me to make sure I was watching.

So does he love cars or controls or granny watching?

Ian is still Ian; quiet, kind, busy, helpful, and social. Did I mention adorable?

I don't do games. God didn't shoot that gene into my butt. I just don't have the gene.

I don't do lawn games, just ask Jane how I run during Ring-Around-The-Rosy. I don't do crossword puzzles, Janice once told me I was no help at all when it came to crossword puzzles.

I don't do computer games or anything with a controller. Christian tried to show me once and as I crashed the car into the left wall and then into the right wall and NEVER got the car going straight he took the controller away from me and never let me touch it again. Lonnie despaired of teaching me pool; ANYONE can form a straight line with a ball, a hand and the tail end of a cue stick. Anybody it seems but me.

I don't do card games, board games, or games of chance. Although Brittany's Apples to Apples game piqued intrigue due to the names on the cards. Once I spent nine dollars in four days for all food and gambling in Las Vegas, nope don't do much games of chance.

I don't do sport games. I'm even a lousy spectator. I used to go to all of Roger's wrestling matches and watch with my eyes covered. I couldn't stand to see him hurt or to hurt his opponent. Christian's fencing wasn't too bad and I could watch Ian dance all night, but I don't think dance is considered a game/sport.

I for sure don't do word searches, too visually busy, too much stimuli. I bowl like Godzilla. Too dumb for Sudoku. I will play solitaire; no fault no skill.

Connor and I enjoy growling, crawling, throwing, crashing games in the privacy of his home with NO other eyes around, but that's not really game time, it's Connor time. I occasionally participate in games at work to prove I'm a "game" employee, a team player. That counts at review time. And I devised several "test" games. One for Mark one for Janice and one for Stephanie. Were those games?

I admire skill, competence, smarts. I admire greatly photographs of athletes in all their grace, glory and beauty. I love a good old fashioned win-the-big-game sport movie. I've seen On Any Given Sunday and Remember the Titans, but I also love documentaries about trash (I've seen three) so maybe loving sport movies proves nothing.

Life is game enough for me. I have no grace, skill, beauty, smarts, talent, or glory and I'll lose in the end, but I sure enjoy playing the game.

Besides Roger got my taxes done.

Jane wins the contest, but I haven't decided what she's won yet.

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