Saturday, June 18, 2011

What Mountain?

What mountain? We haven't seen the up side or the down side of a mountain.

We have done some couch sitting, chair sitting, bench sitting, and table sitting with a little people watching, Ian watching, Connor watching, and ship watching thrown in. We make sure we have time for a nap possibly two as the day progresses. Jerry and Jane are enjoying the cooler weather and Jan is enjoying not working -- everyone is happy.

Jerry and Jane have strolled down the hill a time or two.
We found the USS Lincoln in port.
We meandered around the sidewalk sale at University Village.
We've dinned at Spuds, Rams, Ivar's and Roger's
and we have a few more selections coming up.
We pursued our books.
My friend Lynn wandered by unexpectedly .
Jan watched a movie or two which the the guests caught a portion of.
True Grit and Song of the Sparrow,
If Jeff was going to portray Rooster Cogburn
it would look an awful lot like the Jeff Bridges version.

Jane brought Jan a beautiful new purse, beautiful,
but it took two whole hours before someone complimented me on it.
What's up with that?
Ian had already told me where a store was,
so when the lady complimented me and talked about it
I was fully informed and told her where to go...
Not that kind of told her where to go, but where a store was located.

Roger was properly adorable.
Ian was properly adorable.
Connor went above and beyond properly adorable.
There hasn't been a Christian siting, but I can assure you he is properly adorable also.

For the first time Connor grabbed my finger and took me to his daddy because he wanted me to make his daddy behave. Daddy had said no to the iPad and Connor wanted me to trump that decision. Granny had the power to trump the decision, but decided to up hold the Daddy decision and distracted Connor instead. Adorable.

We might do something wild today like go to the downtown REI.

To quote my brother; Life is good.

Shush; they are still sleeping and we don't want to wake them yet.

Life is good.

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