Friday, February 3, 2012

And Another Thing...

When I am crossing the courtyard that serves three downtown high rises, and home to the only Starbucks in a three block radius, with my old lady shuffly gait, I can hear people pick up their pace to pass me by so they can get to the Starbucks first and be ahead of me in line (the line is usually very, very long.) Sometimes, emphasis on sometimes, they will pause and politely hold the door so I may enter after them since their place in line is now assured. One ahead of me. The reverse is true if I am coming down the elevator with several people, the jockeying to get ahead of me as they zero in on Starbucks. Are these the same people who jockey for position on the highway with their cars? It is amusing how many times this happens -- every day -- and thankfully my life is never actually in danger, but I want to tell them I'm not going to Starbucks, I'm heading for the adjacent building entry.

I might start carrying one of these pan-handlers type signs that announces "I Am Not Going To Starbucks!

I do believe that with nine billion people on the planet that you can't expect life to be line free. If you have a right to be some particular place so does everyone else.

And another thing...

Sometimes I feel like I'm floating in some kind of Wassailland place. I don't know exactly what that is but I know it when I'm there. Not exactly sad, not exactly here, not exactly day dreamy, not exactly human. Some kind of a little bit other worldly type place.

Watching humans...
...find something or someone to blame when they make a mistake. rationalize and list all the reasons it wasn't really their fault. watch them heighten their drama over their little life's details. lines, appointments, frustrations, wishes, loves. always voice the negative. be against whatever is voiced. be sure their whatever is better or worse as the case may be. repeat some time worn cliche like it is an original, valid, pertinent thought.

So, before the big snow storm I was listing to a fellow colleague some tasks I had completed the day before. I went to the post office, the grocery store, the library and the gas station. She interrupted with a fierce declaration, "Oh you need to get gas in your car with this storm coming. Never, never, never forget to get gas. You have to have a full tank of gas. If you don't get gas you could be stuck in a storm with out heat. I always get gas before winter storms."
And on and on.

My thought: Didn't I just say I gassed up my car?
Hum, people? Humans?

And another thing...

I saw a store sign Shoes and Feet.

My thought: What kind of feet do they sell?
Oops, there I was being a little bit like a world class aginner.
Humans, huh?

Misery is easy, happiness is work.

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