Friday, March 30, 2012

Three Year Old Disdian

Nothing beats the disdain of a three year old:

Connor got hold of my cell phone. He turned it over and studied it and looked at it and punched a few buttons. It didn't make a sound. He studied it some more, no pictures or games popped up. He found absolutely zero entertainment. I guess he decided it was a pretty worthless phone because it was discarded with disdain. You know how low you have sunk on the technological scale when your three year old grandson is disgusted with it.

Maybe it was paybacks;

I took him to Red Robin and forgot to get him a balloon as we were leaving. What kind of granny would forget to get a balloon? Of course we did go back inside and make an emergency search for his wetnap that he had somehow dropped on the way out. The wetnap he had folded and unfolded and tucked back inside the envelope only to take it out and unfold it again, oh I don't know, maybe about 17 times.

I scored on the wetnap search.

Then we arrived home and his daddy promptly took the trash and threw it away.

I also lost a few granny points when I took him a whistle, the long and skinny kind. How could I have forgotten to tell him not to run with it? Well, I remembered after he stumbled and cut his chin.

As long as I am confessing, I will also confess to getting Connor a discounted toy for his birthday, a really really good discount. That is now the toy that is hidden in the spare bedroom because it scares him. He was showing Ian some of the other toys in the spare bedroom when Ian accidentally made the Big Foot Monster growl and roll over. Connor backed into the safety of his granny faster than I could say boo. I guess granny's are good for safety and security, even me.

I have a learning curve I will figure this granny stuff out.


Did you know coffee is the second most traded commodity on Earth?
70% if the world drinks Arabica coffee, which is mild and aromatic.
The remaining 30% drinks Robusta,
which is more bitter tasting but has 50% more caffeine.
Originally coffee was eaten.
African tribes mixed coffee with berries and fat
which formed edible energy balls.
68% of coffee drinkers have their first cup within an hour of getting up.
35% drink it black.
Guess where the coffee capital in America is?
Like this is hard.
Seattle with 35 coffee shops per 100,000 citizens.


My Week With Marilyn -- very good.
Moneyball -- very good.
Exit Through the Gift Shop -- very good -- if you like documentaries about punkish street graffiti artists. Part of the film was the question is it really art. Ian asked me if I thought it was really art. I said I'm the one who has a smashed crumpled smoke stained trombone and two dead leaves that are 15 years old hanging on my wall, of course I think it is art.


I went to a local church concert with my friend Mary; small, intimate, loving, and full of joy, everything from African chants to opera. I heard two songs and thought of Julia. Being as out of touch with music as I am with technology, I imagine everyone has probably heard them but me.

Sing by Wynnoa Judd and Music In My Mother's House written by Holly Lear.


Thinking of Jeffery and doing a little Wikipedia search.
Asbestos has been used for 4,000 years.
Mining peaked in 1975.
The world's largest asbestos mine was the Jeffrey mine in Asbestos, Quebec. How is that for irony? I read a bit about using it for filtering fine particles out of wine and kids crayola's and litigation and illness and disease and how long it has been known to be a carcinogenic and how wide spread it is and how the US was late in admitting its potential harmfulness that eventually I gave up and went back to more cheerful subjects like global warming and the US debt.


Considered to be the most accurate encyclopedia due to all that technology I know nothing about.

May your day be asbestos free and full of cheerful subjects like grandsons, love, Trader Joes chocolate truffles, Easter, good tires...

...and what ever you do, don't spray paint any cars. It might not be art. It might be illegal.

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