Friday, April 13, 2012

One Perfect Day

After I received the advertisement, the urgent advertisement, warning me that being hard of hearing leads to dementia and Alzheimer's I figured I am doomed, so what the heck just enjoy the day.

Up early for a bit of Facebook time, computer time, making list time, and several cups of coffee.

A delicious leftover breakfast and when I say leftover, I mean leftovers of leftovers. The leftover roast from Easter Sunday's French dips became a savory Beef Pot Pie, which two days later became my delicious leftover breakfast.

The Sun came out with shirt sleeve weather, finally, and brilliant snow covered mountains and shimmering water. The absolute best of the Pacific Northwest showing some color at last.

Ian up early, well I had already had time to get up early, have a nap and get up again, but it was early for Ian.

Hair cuts -- mine was perfect cowlick and all, and Ian didn't complain about his.

Grocery shopping with a QFC run; meats and treats. My freezer was getting pretty bare and lucky me QFC was having a meat sale. I swear the chocolate cake was for Ian.

Library for a quick pick-up of waiting items.

Pharmacy for an early pick-up of meds -- and they were already done.

Lunch at Ivar's by the Ferry dock; perfect fish and chips, perfect french fries, perfect perfect clam chowder. More sunshine, mountains and water and Ian to make the food run and the trash run. Does it get any better? Well, yes it does.

I had Ian to haul in and put away all the groceries. Ian, does it get any better? Well, yes it does. He did the laundry and I didn't. I swear the chocolate cake was for him.

Movie time; The Descendants a wonderful, wonderful film.

A special delivery to my Little Chef Friend Amanda. I had promised her some fabric for the doll house she is making for her daughters, so instead of taking it to work for her to haul home on the bus, I did a drive by and gave her a bushel basket of fabric and the bushel basket. I included two Barbies from Ian's old collection with a shoe box of Barbie outfits. Jasmine and Snow White now have a new home and I have one square meter less stuff.

The playdate with The Connorman was a bit -- busy. I think he is still reeling from an Easter sugar high. He tried to lock me out on the patio, in a week or two I think he will be able to succeed. It's a good thing I have a secure access. I will be in real trouble when he can lock both the front and the back door. Or I won't go outside to smoke anymore.

The day care teacher said he hadn't got along with his fellow playmates at all until after his nap.

When I was fastening him in his car seat I nuzzled him and said I love you. He said you are too loud granny.

All afternoon he kept wanting things that I told him he would have to wait and ask his mommy about. Things like M & M's, chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs, jelly beans, peeps, finally he heard the garage door open and ran to the back door, when Roger entered he threw himself down and said you aren't mommy. Yep a bit busy.

Roger and Stephanie were bubbling with good will and summer plans are shaping up. California in May, Colorado in July, a summertime cruise on the Fortener's boat sometime in between. They are going to forgo the Ragnar run this year to go to Stephanie's family reunion. They were going to go look at a camper so I came home a bit early.

Dinner at home was my QFC treat; a croissant and fresh tomato sandwich, perfect, perfect, perfect.

A first glimpse of a barely blooming rhododendron bush -- purple. A long chatty visit with Kathy. A bit of the Tiger book I'm reading. Some more Easter dinner left-overs -- fresh strawberries and pineapple, and no chocolate cake, I swear.

The only thing missing from my two son day was a Christian connection, but two out of three ain't bad. Besides, his left-over sparkle from Easter is still lingering. He talked, laughed, ate, entertained Connor, talked politics, work, movies, books, and music. He turned me onto some truly amazing music which I will now share with you.

Go to YouTube and watch Songs Around the World; Playing for Change especially Stand by Me and One Love they might bring a tear to your eye.

One perfect day. Life in the simple lane.

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