Friday, May 25, 2012

Things to See and Things to Do

The good the bad and the ugly as I run around my little life here in almost sunny Mukilteo.

I met Christian's new girl, Bo, and I must say I am giddy with delight. She's an artist, teacher, talented, traveled, educated, not to mention cute. She is a fashion designer of some very odd clothing and dance costumes, and Mother's Day she gave me two very impressive pieces of her pottery. What's not to be giddy over. Christian said her tiny Fremont apartment has more stuff than mine, like I said, what's not to be giddy over.

Christian's shop is half closed, they are removing some old fuel tanks and his work bays aren't accessible, so he has been semi-retired for a while. Lynn and I were going to breakfast last Friday and decided to drive to Ballard to have one of those magnificent apple pancakes at the Family Pancake House. We go walking in and Lynn said "Look at that." So I looked and started reading this dude's tee-shirt, slightly ornery, (once a reader always a reader) then I realized I was reading Christian's chest. That was a Friday morning surprise he was unprepared for, but he graciously, well not quite graciously, more reluctantly, put aside his book and let us two old fat ladies join him. It wound up delightful, well to me anyway.

Ian's first fitting for his new crown failed so he has to go back next week for another try. Disappointed? Yes. He is getting tired of soft food though, just being cautious, so we lived dangerously and went out to a new gyro place he knew about and risked it. He did fine, the gyro was superb, his temporary crown stayed in place and I got fatter.

I hadn't seen much of Ian because he was house/dog sitting for Roger and Steph while they made the drive to Southern California for Mr Carrillo's funeral. Twenty-two hours each way. Roger's cousin, Jason, rode down with them. They said Connor did fantastic, but what kid wouldn't be fantastic with movies, music, videos, and three adults to charm him. Man has times changed in the child hauling business.

Roger was teary when he told about the hotrods that led the funeral cortege. Five or six of the progeny brought out their classic cars with messages like "Cruising with Grampa" shoe polished on the sides. Roger and Stephanie said the time in California and the funeral was more a celebration of Mr Carrillo's life, as it should be, and he was buried as close to Lonnie as possible. Made me teary also.

Oh, and Grampa had fired the gardener the week before because he wasn't doing a good enough job.

I saw the Connorman last night for another wild ride. We were upstairs, we were downstairs, we were outside, we rocked out to Connor music on his guitar and piano, we raced cars, crashed cars, cleaned cars, and put the cars away very neatly back in the little carrying case (see he is related to Lonnie). We were busy. Connor didn't trust me to put the cars back properly so he did that. Yep, he is related to Lonnie. The only thing Lonnie would let me do is turn over an engine occasionally.

I hate games but my boss at work said I wouldn't mind one team building game she was planning. Yeah right! A tag is put on your back of a person, place or thing and you get twenty questions to guess who. I got mine narrowed down to male, not a politician, Steve Jobs, or John Wayne and then got lost in inane questions. They finally took pity on me and said who is your favorite person, I said well right now that would have to be my grandson Connor -- Yep Connor was the name plastered on my back. That boss flanked me and tricked me.

I've had a host of doctor appointments lately. Every time I go see a doctor it means seven more appointments are needed. I guess that's what I get for being old fat tired blind hard of hearing with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, bad heart and diabetes. Now we can add female troubles to the list. Damn.

On the drive to see the specialist over in Everett I noticed all the good the bad and the ugly. Beautiful homes -- decrepit homes, beautiful skies -- utility wires, beautiful Possession Sound -- scummy water, soaring mountains and islands in the distance -- road construction, and beautiful, beautiful, beautiful trees, bushes, hedges, and gardens. The world has burst into full bloom. I think the flowers would stun God.

How did the world get so beautiful?  The good.

My life was a little out of whack, but it has been whacked back into shape. The good.

Today I will continue my odyssey of book shelf cleaning, sorting, dusting, organizing, and make Ian a little mac and cheese. The good.

I guess there is no ugly after all, it's all good.

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