Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sadness and Seagulls

Sadness and seagulls,
marriages and birthdays,
pre-school graduation and book shelves,
cold weather and Thunder,
Life goes on.

The family was saddened by the news of Clint's death. Saddened for Tal and Julia, saddened for his daughter, saddened for Nora and Andrew, saddened for his mother and grandparents, saddened by the idea of such a youthful death. I remember Clint as rambunctious and lively, hating Saturday school, eating hearty if he liked what was being served, playing freely if he liked the game being played, sometimes alone, sometimes not, sometimes coming to family get-togethers, sometimes not. Another loved one gone at age forty-two: a son, a grandson, a father. Gone in the never ending mystery of life.

Cara is getting married.
An old fashioned affair with everyone wearing cowboy boots -- at a cantina no less. I imagine a beer or two will be imbibed. Good cheer and well wishes extended. An excited Avery dancing to the beat. And a tear or two shed in the never ending mystery of life.

Roger turned forty-five. I made one of Roger's old favorites, a Strawberry Meringue Torte. Something I haven't made in years -- YEARS. It is looking good even if it is two days late or twenty years late, I'm not sure which. How did I get old enough to have a forty-five year old son? A son that survived early horrors in the never ending mystery of life.

And life goes on.

Connor has his first pre-school graduation on Saturday and I have half a day off to bask in his sunshine.

My book shelves remain stubbornly uncompleted. Half of them still need cleaned, dusted, and organized.
The weather is forty-five and rainy. Stephanie was complaining about turning on her heater the other day. The heater in June just seemed wrong to her somehow.

Playdate with Connor today.
Soup to cook.
Stops at the library, post office and bank.
Bills to pay.
Laundry day.

I heard something about the Thunder in Oklahoma winning some kind of big game. I could feel the joy and happiness of all those faithful fans. Okies at their best enjoying the moment. No, relishing the moment.

Seagulls woke me up this morning. I've never been awoken by any kind of birds before but this seagull chorus was powerful. Maybe they have a power, a power that other birds can't exude. It was such a joyous sound that I immediately delved into why I have never woke up to birds singing, squawking, or cawing before.

The never ending mystery of life continues.

1 comment:

  1. It seems appropriate that in a place where it is 45 and rainy in June that you would be, a) making soup, and b) have seagulls take the place of roosters. And I almost can't believe you've never been woken up by roosters? I think those "roosters" are just telling you to get out of bed and see what you're missing maybe a chorus of seagulls. All of this sounds wonderful though and I for one congratulate you on your continued splendid life.
