Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wonderful Things

The Tutankhamen exhibit is in Seattle.

I remember when Julia went to New Orleans for the exhibit when it first came to the United States. She discovered the quote "Wonderful Things" she loved it then and loves it still.  I have used the quote so many times you would think I own it.

I have been reading Walking The Bible by Bruce Feiler and he talks about the Fifth Earl of Carnarvon and the archaeologist Howard Carter, who after eighteen years of fruitless search discovered Tutankhamen's tomb, and Mr Carter uttered those famous words. But I have a whole new take on it now.

Connor had a busy morning at Granny's house today. After he woke up from his nap and was all snugly, warm, and rosy cheeked tucked in his Granny's lap he sighed and quietly said, "Granny you have lots of things to look at." I think he thinks he has about twelve years of excavation ahead of him. Made my heart soar.

All morning long he was poking here and there and asking me what is this, what is that. He can manoeuvre into amazingly small places. If he wasn't exploring he was figuring out how something worked. What something was. How it comes apart and goes back together. How to put it back, exactly, where he got it from. He also jumped on the furniture, rocked in all three wiggly chairs, danced to the Rescue Heros CD, fought with his imaginary sword, called my horse skull a dinosaur head, crashed a few cars, shot up the place with Buzz Lightyear, read books, looked at photographs, tasted a few photographs, ate bananas eggs bagels oranges fruit-bites and drank milk. He was no help at all at baking a cake, but was a master at tasting seasoned crackers. He whacked the bag of pecans to turn them into pecan pieces with gusto.

After he did his toilet business he told me at home he always gets a treat after he does his business, I said well get some crackers. No Granny, crackers are a SNACK not a TREAT. So now you know. Granny managed to find him a half-eaten candy bar of Ian's. Sorry Ian.

I think a few wonderful things lies ahead for me also.

Happy Thanksgiving. May it be full of wonderful things.

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