Thursday, March 7, 2013

Surrounded by Snow Covered Mountains

I am poor. By America's standards I hover at the poverty line. Here I am surrounded by snow capped mountains basking in eight hours of sunshine, enjoying the glimpse of massive Mt  Rainier as it pops out to remind me of the awesomeness of nature. From my window looking out towards Possession Sound I see water, lots of green trees, birds darting hither and yon with a purpose.

I see the school working hard, children at play, balls darting with a purpose. Old folks holding hands walking the track field with a purpose.

That's west -- east of me I have a reliable car, newish tires, a road south to a securish job. I have food clothes and shelter -- in abundance. I have my family reunion t-shirts, my smokes, my art, two rocking chairs.

I have colleagues, family, and friends in abundance. I have perfume, leek soup, books, movies, sons, Kathy in Texas, trip to Janice, calls to Jeff. I have digressions: recently it's been libertine and manifesto. I could have a dog if I wanted one, and you have all heard me wax poetically on the most underrated luxury in the world -- a hot shower.

So I did my morning toilet with the steaming shower, sipped my fragrant coffee, took enough pills for both Jeff and Janice, slipped onto my soft nest, ate my broccoli omelet. I had paper to write on and a brain with a thought or two still ambling around.

My big issues of the day: what to buy at the grocery store, where to lunch with Ian, how adorable will Connor be at our playdate, what will my digressions explore, will Janice go home from the hospital (per Jean's email, she is home) and how is Jeff's bum.

I would think poverty would entail more struggle for the basics. And NOT "Oh, darn, they don't have any ripe avocados."

I would think poverty would include the inability to read or write.

I would think poverty would include fewer possessions, more hunger, more walking, more dirt floors, Connor working instead of playing.

I would think poverty would NOT include which lotion to choose for scaly elbows. At my fingertips I have a choice of four.
  Moroccan Rose from Bo from The Body Shop.
  Old fashioned petroleum jelly.
  Johnson's Baby Lotion influenced by Jane.
  Dead Sea Treasures hand cream, a vendor gift from
  The Naot Shoe company which originated in Israel.

So Jerry recovered from his surgery and looks great.
Jeff had his abscess taken care of and is recovering. I asked him why he didn't let Julia and Tal take him to the hospital and he said it was because it was 3AM. Good brother.
Janice is still in the throes, but under good care.
Jean says she's good, well goodish.
Jeff says Tal is relishing his retirement.
Julia I have a blank on, but I'm good at filling in the blanks.
Walking anyone?
Josephine is still ensconced in McLoud.
Jan is puffing along nicely. I made a fantastic leek and onion soup which I will never be able to duplicate because I used a bit of this and a dab of that, threw in a few left overs, a bit of squash, some polish sausage. Oh my, it is good and my lunches for next week are done.

I didn't go to Wednesday morning breakfast with Mary and Claire,
no reason.
My morning carrot juice contains anchovy and sardine oil.
Who knew?
I'm planning a son's dinner for the 10th or 17th.
Stephanie has a birthday Friday as does Andrew and Taylor.
I watched the Portuguese film Mysteries of Lisbon, both discs, I  don't recommend it.

Jerry mentioned a couple of movies in an email that I'm ignorant of, but not for long, Strangers and Halfaunine. Jerry, I read about a movie: Wildest Dream about the mountain climber that found Mallory's body on Mt Everest. After our discussion about Mallory and book club reading the book I wonder if you have seen it.

It seems everyone but me has seen Life of Pi and Lincoln. Ah, well, you all know I am poor.

Jeff says he is only bringing a suitcase, chairs, a goodie box, hot dog skewers and Vienna Sausage to Greenleaf family reunion next year.

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