Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Experience

As I sit here, early on this quiet Christmas morning, staring at my new Nook, stumped, until I have had a few more lessons, I'm already enjoying the memories of a soft, giggly evening spent with my family. Bo was missed, but we texted her a few missives, songs, quotes and hellos. Bo is visiting her family in California for the Christmas Holidays.

I think Connor's two favorite things were preparing, mixing, presenting and serving Kool-aid fruit punch to one and all whether you wanted it or not. (He ate a terrific dinner and was then let loose on the candy, cookies and Kool-aid.) And handing out packages. He tried reading the names on the packages but Ian's tags were all in a code only Ian could read. He would stop and open a present for himself if pressed, but delivering was better.

Thanks Roger, Stephanie and Connor for the Nook. Stephanie went round one, at least now I know how to turn it on. She got me connected to Facebook, Netflix and email. What more does a body need? But she has passed me off to various sons for further instructions.

Such a multitude of tiny moments, and every one perfect. They all liked the shoes they picked out for themselves.

Ian is generous to a fault with jewelry (of course) black onyx, perfume, candy, clothes and movies. Lots of movies. He has perfect taste.

Bo painted me a picture of a ferry; fantastic, beautiful, precious, with small figures of her, Christian and Tikki standing on a beach watching. Alki Beach in West Seattle. Perfect.

Speaking of perfect, Bo also drew a picture on a name tag for one of my gifts of a Christmas Turtle. A tiny two inch painting of a turtle decked out in lights. Like I said -- perfect.

I was feeling a mite guilty that Connor would be disappointed and his Christmas experience at Granny's marred if I didn't have a Christmas tree, which I haven't had since I moved to Mukilteo. It was easier to go to a thrift shop and buy something then it was to dig through my storage. So, home I came with a delightful, perfect, two foot snowman to make a proper festive display. Did Connor so much as glance at it? No, he did not. He was busy mixing, stirring, pouring and serving red Kool-aid. Sometimes when you are four years old life is good.

Connor understood the book 500 Hats by Dr Suess, but was confused by the hat collection. "Granny, they are too big. They are for daddy." Oh well, you win some and lose some. However, I scored with the paper monster book. Clever Granny.

Christmas comes to us all once a year. It touched my life in a gentle, giggly, soft explosion of perfection.

Family Christmas was last night. Roger and Steph will go to the Fortener's today. Christian will not be back. Ian plans on doing laundry and napping, he had an incredibly busy retail and social week with many parties and functions. Claire will come over for a quiet, festive, leftover Christmas dinner, and I will be thinking of you and checking Facebook for pictures and greetings on my new Nook.

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