Thursday, January 16, 2014


I'll get these over with first, right out front, immediately.

Shake your head and slowly say, "Russell. Freaking. Wilson." Say it softly like a prayer. There I have done my bit for the Seahawks. It is the Seahawks? Right?

Connor turned five. He told me he wasn't four anymore. I picked him up from school for our playdate and asked if he wanted to go to the Working Man's Store or a book store. He screeched, "I LOVE THE WORKING MANS STORE. It's hard to find, you will have to look for the sign that says Lowe's."

He was doubtful when I was going to buy him a real hammer. He held it reverentially and said, "I will have to ask mom and dad for permission. I'm going to ask them REAL NICE." He did get permission to keep the hammer and it only took 1 1/2 hours before he was banging the wall and it was taken away. That was a good 1 1/2 hours.

I'm still amazed at the blooming of vocabulary. He was using these words perfectly in sentences;
difficult as in difficult to choose,
exactly as in he didn't play with every toy exactly every night,
realized as in I realized the best kits were at the back of Lowe's.

Then there is the obsessive compulsive bit of Connor; when he retrieved his back pack at school all the other back packs fell askew. We couldn't leave, even to go to THE WORKING MANS STORE, until he had straightened, arranged, and aligned perfectly the remaining back packs. He might of inherited that from Lonnie and Roger, he didn't get it from me.

There was also the time we couldn't leave the library until after he performed a puppet show and then proceed to inform me the puppets were in a mess and straightened those as well. I was telling Stephanie about it and she sighed, "Why can't he do that at home?"

I sent Amber, via Facebook, a recommendation to read the book Born to Run. I will recommend to Mark the movie Vision From The Life Of Hildegard Von Bingen.
I will recommend to everyone the book One Summer; America 1927.
I will recommend to everyone the book Behind the Beautiful Forevers.

At the start of the New Year many people make changes, resolutions, clean out the old to make room for the new. Well, I was scratched from several Facebook friends list. I know I haven't changed, so they must have. I survived most. Thank you for allowing me to continue to be your Facebook friend. All those Facebook employees are still busy at work up on the 18th and 19th floors downtown. They look so serious and guilty out in the smoking area.

Change is in the air. Five of my book club members have changed homes.
Connor changed from four to five and is having a party this weekend. He told me he wasn't going to be six it is just his party day, not an actual birthday.
Jean is going to be seventy-five. Ask her about the cruise, it's going to happen.

I know a thing or two. I know about birthing babies, menopause, Mexican food, siblings, red dirt farms, downtown parking, the difference between being young and being old,
the rest of the world is a mystery to me. I know know nothing of missionaries, Slovakia, being royalty, being homeless, plucking a guitar, pushing heroin, DNA, Thomas Aquinas, Mayan tribes.

To quote Robert Lewis Stevenson, I think, "The world is full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." Except as I have already confessed, I don't know anything about being royal.

I re-read The Box-Car Children from the Gutenberg site on my new Nook. I'm sure that book more than any other started my life long love affair with reading.

I'm having a sons dinner this Sunday at Stephanie and Roger's so Bo and everyone else can watch some football game. I'm having the dinner, but it will be at their house, with their TV, with Stephanie doing the cooking, and Roger doing the clean up. I'm liking this.

One last Connor story. We were Lego building, naturally, and he was looking for some little pieces for his bomb blasters. I found several and said, "Here these should help protect your man."
He said, "Granny, My guy is a bad guy. These aren't for protection it's to kill people.

Change is in the air, Connor is growing up, I survived your Facebook cleanse.

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