Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cruising Through Life

Cruising on my way to have breakfast with my friend Claire I saw this personalized license plate: WHLFAN. Yep, made me think of the Alaskan cruise also.

Friendship? What would we do without it? Good friend that she is Claire brought me three books knowing I have been in a reading desert lately. Maybe something to kickstart or inspire my reading. During our breakfast chat she mentioned she had spent an evening "desperate for something to read". I thought I can't remember the last time I was "desperate for something to read" but I remember the feeling when I was so desperate I would read a cereal box, or diapering instructions from a Pampers box. I remember being desperate for a particular kind of book, like the time I was at a friend's house and said I needed a good romance with a lot of throbbing penis' in it. Books are friends.

Lynn is a friend to me: Lynn and I are going on a land cruise soon, to the ocean. We haven't had a good long friendly meandering drive in ages -- ages. I'm so looking forward to a semi-destination land-cruise with my friend Lynn.

The power of friendship is staggering. My book club friends are staggering; smarter than me, cuter than me, nicer than me, more creative, more scholarly, more adventurous. Educated and friendly. Willing to listen, to appreciate my Connor stories. Most of us work customer service so we trade a lot of customer stories back and forth. Laugh, relax, enjoy, share food, or anxiety, or sorrow. That seems a lot to ask of a person, but friends carry the burden with ease. I remember at Maxine's wake the old Indian gentlemen imploring Adam and Josephine to share their grief because it was too heavy for them to carry alone -- and reminding them that they didn't have to.

Siblings also make fantastic friends. Friends you can share with, laugh with, relax with, go cruising with. I'm thinking of Jerry and Jane's long time friends Ron and Sheila. Jean and Joyce. Friends of 50 years or new friends, friends enrich one's cruising though life. Did everyone see the Facebook post about the two ladies who have been friends for 94 years. I don't think I will ever beat that, but I can try. Music can be a friend. Cousins make good friends.

Verla and I are building up that cousin/friendship again. Facebook, and her traveling to the Greenleaf reunion, has rekindled that old affection still alive even if somewhat buried. Verla is amazing at how she works to keep connected. To people, I think, but especially family/cousins. We have shared some wonderful times, but don't tell her I can't quilt a lick. I made one quilt once for my firstborn son and quit. Somethings Jan just wasn't meant to do.

Look at Kathy and I, somehow, 25 years ago we discovered each other. Friendship is a blessing we don't necessarily deserve but receive anyway. About the time this wonderful blessing was coming into my life Sharon Strickland drifted out. Sharon and I had been friends since high school. She always made me laugh. Sharon quotes are famous. We were friends until her son and husband threatened to kill me in the same day, and she wondered why our friendship dissolved. I guess like everything else sometimes friendship dies.

Emily Dickensen:
My friend must be a bird,
because it flies.
Mortal my friend must be,
because it dies.
Barbs has it like a bee.
Ah, curious friend
thou puzzlest me.

Helen Keller:
Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

Albert Schweitzer:
In everybody's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flames by on encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for the people who rekindle the inner spirit.

William Butler Yeats:
Think where man's glory most begin and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.

I am sure there are some modern poets who have written on friendship, but I didn't Google them, you will have to do that yourself.

I guess I have been maudlin long enough. Now, on to other stuff:

Ian is gone a traveling. His friends are absolutely singular in their loveliness. They are kind, trendy, healthy, funny, busy, and always include me in their kindness. Son's make good friends. Wait, I think I'm drifting back to maudlin.

I had Russian Dumplings for the first time. I WANT MORE. Everyone should have a Russian Dumpling before they die. There are Russian eateries around downtown, and I have even eaten at Pike Place Market, I always bought Piroshki. I have a recipe! I have even made them for heaven's sake, so why oh why have I never had a Russian Dumpling? Cruising to Alaska with it's Russian influence I will keep my eye out.

Christian's new boss, the one he calls "baby boss," yes to his face, is from Alaska and says even though there is a lot of Russian influence he doesn't think I will find much Russian food. Lord, I hope he is wrong. Another of Christian's colleagues did a quick Google search and found me a place in Fremont. Soon, Soon.

I gave blood, per usual, for my Sons Dinner Sunday. Chopping vegetables and meat for the Portuguese Soup made me bleed. I can't cut mashed potatoes without cutting myself.  Connor didn't get his way all evening, Granny didn't say no, but Christian spoke firmly -- twice. Connor was a wee bit wired. Caught between two grannies. At granny one's house and going to granny two's house next. Yep, a wee bit wired. He didn't eat the soup or the Hawaiian cornbread, but he did enjoy the fruit. Especially when granny let him squeeze the orange slices into a cup to make orange juice. Granny didn't care if it was messy. He told me it wasn't very good, but drank it anyway. A lack of sugar, I imagine.

The last week or so the mountains passes have gained 7 feet of snow. I'm glad I'm a low lander. How is winter in your area? Did Jerry, Jane and Jean have any trouble traveling to California? And back? And what's this on FB about Jean being sick? Brittany?

My monthly to-do list never changes: haircut, pedicure, pay bills, maintain car. My weekly to-do list never changes: grocery, library, cook, meet a friend, blog, Connor, gas up, re-cycle, movie, book, and now-a-days Facebook, but every week I dutifully make a list. Just so you know, I also, very dutifully, include "dust." Silly, huh?

For those interest in books as friends, cruise through book clubs new reading list:
March: Author Alice Munro- Reader's Choice. She recently won the Noble Prize
April: Author Jill LePore - Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin. 
May: Author Marisa Silver - Mary coin

My recent movies have been pretty mundane. All is Lost didn't engage me as a story, but I was fascinated by the experimental element. One actor, no dialogue, lots of ocean. Stephanie asked me if he dies at the end, but I didn't tell her, and I won't tell you.

Speaking of cruising, at Sons Dinner everyone was talking non-stop about the pros and cons of cruising, everyone but Bo that is. I finally told them all to hush and let Bo speak, after all she is the only one who has actually been on a cruise. She assured me I would love it.

Christian's baby boss, the one from Alaska, Dutch Harbor actually, said I would love it: especially all the hikes, walks, trails. I said, "Yeah, like that's not going to happen." He amended it immediately to especially all the beauty, all the wildlife. Now, you are talking my kind of cruise.

If anyone is up for cruising you are invited for Jean's 75th Birthday cruise. Verla? Kathy? Lynn? I hear Amber might go. I also heard Julia and Tal aren't. Bah-humbug, sometimes life interferes. The only thing that would make this fantastical event better would be for you to join, old friend, new friend, cousin, sibling, son, book club friend.

The power of friendship in all its forms.

Christian and Bo brought me fresh okra from the Korean market, who would have thought it, so I'm making Creole Okra today. And life keeps cruising on.

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