Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I figured it out -- I am out of sync! I don't fit youth, trendiness, night clubs, staying up late, rows with boyfriends. It makes sense now. I'm not a stair climber, a fast walker, I look down when I walk to see what my feet are engaging -- or not. I hold on to rails going up or down stairs and wear comfortable shoes. What is the biblical quote? "I have given up the things of youth." Thank goodness. It is the modern world I don't fit. I'm out of sync because I grunt and groan more, can't see or hear good, dribble in my drawers. I husband my energy more, move slower, think more.

I'm out of sync with all those inspirational tidbits on Facebook. I no longer believe in the need to move, travel, adventure, or experience to be whole. I don't need a hobby, purpose, quest, or fulfillment. I don't need to put my feet in sand, read more or less, climb up rocks, stand in a storm, cast myself on the ocean, complete a task, build a boat. I don't need to complete my life's journey with some kind of big bang epiphany. Oh wait, I just had one.

The world is busy tearing down and building up -- stuff; stadiums, roads, beliefs -- stuff. I am somehow past that at this point in my life. The staff of life isn't stuff. I'm past shopping. Thank goodness. I'm not out of sync, I'm just past a whole lot of stuff, a whole lot of life. Thank goodness.

Driving to have breakfast with Claire this morning I noticed lots of people still engaged with the world, still in sync. The hard working people: painters, plumbers, mechanics, cooks, clerks, drivers, dog walkers. The young hard working people to whom the world belongs. There are mother's birthing babies, the babies struggling to live. Past that too. Judy Collins sang a song Let's Drink to the Hard Working People. I always loved that song, but it means something different to me now.

Stephanie's grandmother is ill and Stephanie and family have traveled to Colorado to be with her. My thoughts and love go with her for such an emotional journey. This is the part of life I'm still connected to. I'm sure she would appreciate your loving thoughts also.

Anyway Connor is not available for a playdate today. It's odd, no playdate, no appointments, no doctors, no car maintenance, no lunches or dinners planned with friends, no library drop off or pick up, bless the Nook, no agenda of any kind for three days. That was a long time coming.

Two worthy quotes:
"Do the right thing with spirit." Benjamin Franklin from the book about Jane Franklin.
-- and--
"You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to." Lynn posted that on FB but didn't attribute an author.

Final Wednesday thoughts as I'm sitting here enjoying Spring. Of all the harbingers of Spring; RV's on the road, garage sale signs, budding trees, open windows, gentle spring rains, robins building nests. My favorite, by far, is the frogs waking up. I love it when I hear the first chorus' arising from the wetlands.

After the helicopter crash at the Seattle Space Needle, after the horrific mudslide at Oso, after comforting friends with terminally ill loved ones, I mentioned to Ian that that is why we should never take life for granted. We should remind our loved ones often how much we love them. How we should never lose a loved one with regrets in our heart that we didn't do the right thing. That our last words were the right words because you never ever know if they will be the last words.
I woke this morning to a beautiful bouquet of Spring flowers sitting on my counter. My heart overflowed. I asked Ian if he bought them because of our conversation?

He said no, he bought them for his photo shoot.

So when you see the posters and see the flowers, I got them second hand.

I'm past that also.

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