Friday, April 4, 2014

A Bit about Bo

A bit about Bo:

Bo is an artist. She thinks like an artist, she acts like an artist, she is an artist. She just participated in The Artist Trust 2014 Benefit Art Auction. The piece she donated sold at the Must Have price before the bidding was completed. Christian said the tickets were $300.00 a plate unless you donated a piece and then you got the discounted price of $100.00 a plate. And the table they were seated at was the Bo Choi table. Christian said he cleaned up good with his new Christmas duds and shoes from Ian and I. He didn't embarrass Bo at all. Imagine Christian in grey suede wingtip shoes and a Frasier type sweater over a cool blue shirt. Imagine Christian cleaning up for a highfalutin art benefit. Yeah, me too. Christian also said Bo was working the room, networking, meeting colleagues and fellow artist. She was in her element.

Besides being an artist, Bo has to devote a lot of time to being a business person for her art. She has several gallery's that shows her work, she works at three different art colleges: The International School of Design, North Seattle Community College and now she is subbing at The University of Washington for a professor who is on sabbatical; Weaving. Weaving is her favorite, her true element.

A bit about a book:

Book of Ages: The life and opinions of Jane Franklin by Jill Lepore. This is a wonderful, wonderful book. Things that I think now, Jane wrote hundreds of years ago. You all know how I say I love my little bitty life, well Jane wrote that in 1780 something, at the end of a very hard life. "As to myself I live very much to my liking. I never had a taste for high life, for large companies and entertainment. I am of Popes mind that health, peace and competence comes as near to happiness as is attainable in this life and I am in a good measure in possession of all three at present...quiet at last."

Or assigning meaning to ones life: "I know the most insignificant creature on Earth may be made some use in the scale of beings, may touch some spring, or verge to some wheel unperceived by us."

On growing wiser: "When you live long sometimes your opinion changes because of new, or better information or understanding."

On worry: "There are in life real evils enough and it is folly to afflict ourselves with imaginary ones."

A bit about hurrying:

As I was easing myself slowly out the door the other morning on my way to work and then when I was hurrying down I-5 at better than the speed limit, I thought, I got that backwards. I should be hurrying at home and driving slower down I-5. Maybe I have learned that lesson.

A bit about leaves:

The last little bit of fall leaves have been cluttering my doorway. It's interesting these leaves have taken so long to fall. Clinging to life, waiting for just the right wind and rain, or waiting for the new growth on the trees to send them on their way. Not sure of the lesson there.

A bit about trips to Tulsa:

I talked to Jean this morning and heard about a big group meeting up in Tulsa for a little family fun, fellowship, work and food. AND NO ONE PUT A POST ON FACEBOOK. I'm feeling very left out.

A bit about genetics:

I am continuously entertained by seeing threads of genetics course through Connor from Roger, me, Lonnie, Dad, but I love love love seeing the Fortener's genetic strain. I don't always recognize it because I don't know the history as deeply, but when I see it, it is amazing. Connor's music affinity, Connor telling the waiter to bring granny's french fries in a bowl with a bottom in it. That is all Fortener not Taylor/Carrillo. Connor is an amazing soup of genetics.

A last little bit about ageing: 

Now that I am saggy baggy, not from being fat but from being old, I notice my fingertips are wrinkling up. Everything hurts somewhat; knees, neck, fingers, hips, joints, back. I slouch when I drive, yep, I'm getting hunkered over like a little old lady. A waitress told me the other day, "I'll bet you were a lot of fun when you were young."

Yep, last little bit on ageing.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful post; sweet innocent waitress missed the fact that you are fun now, always
