Friday, June 5, 2015

Some Truths About Sliding

I failed at my kindness-towards-everyone-day.  Twice.

Once with a Facebook post instructing the rest of us to quit putting two spaces after a period.  Jeez, I felt my blood boil just a little and grumbling came seeping through.  I forget the other time.  I will be sure to slide belated blessings in on them whom ever they are.

Now Connor, on the other hand, slid some instruction in on me on putting a period at the end of a sentence in a book we were writing.  Well, I was writing the book because he was feeling a little lazy, so he did the dictating and I did the writing. I said well I wasn't sure if I was going to put a period or the word and. He decided the sentence should continue with the word and and more description, but studied the end result to make sure I had in fact slid the period in where one belonged. He was adorable with an opinion on periods. 

This was the Connor and the Dinosaur Hunt book we were writing and illustrating. He can think a whole lot better and faster then he can write and spell so he had me do the pesky writing bit. This was after we had made spinning tops and secret pockets. He do keep me busy. No grumbling there.

We also measured ourselves sideways going out the back slider door. He was pretty darn skinny and he called me "funny fat." That was with our back to the door frame and the slider sliding towards our bellies. I have no idea why he wanted to measure us that way.

We played a rousing game of Pokemon where Connor slid an Energy card right out of my hands assuring me that he was trading it for a very valuable card. Yeah right, Granny let that one slide, but she wasn't fooled for a minute.

When I wrote the word Pokemon in his secret pocket, he made sure I had the accent on the word and in the correct spot. Sliding in detail, detail, detail.

Before he could dig into his treat tin that Granny always brings to play date, he had to finish his lunch. He didn't want Mommy to know he hadn't finished his lunch at school, he said she would get mad.
I asked how mad? Will she send you to bed?
Will she make you sit in a corner?
Well how mad will she be?
She might take away my screen time.
Screen time? I needed a translation for "screen time" It seems as though it is any game, TV, iPad, or other type of digital activity. Screen time? New punishments for the crime.

Quote: "Every eye must negotiate of itself what it sees."

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind always."

Yep be kind to mothers, fathers, children, the fat, the crippled, the slow, the hard of hearing, the busy, the lost, the locked out, the locked in, the desperate, the angry, the hurt, the loved, the artist, the engineer, the salt of the Earth.

Connor gave the backseat of my car a good straightening up. He was cleaning the windows with glass wipes getting rid of the frozen bird poop, straightening up my water bottles neatly in a canvas bag, throwing away the plastic water bottle wrapper and a few stray dead leaves when I found a tube of Revlon lipstick, Coffee Bean. Does it belong to you? It is not Jean's, Claire's, Lynn's, Jacquie's or Mary's.

Julia will be sliding in here in hours.

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