Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Art of Survival

Owls don't change, caterpillars do.

As a species, humans change. We migrate, or dig in, or climb above. We know how to change, we know we must encompass change, and yet we hate it passionately. We know we must change, we must change in order to survive.

I've been observing the drama of change lately, it's every where.
The theme of change.
Connor is changing into the alpha male over Brandy.
Brittany is changing into a HOG, a senior, a college student.
Martin has flashed back into family view, that's a change.
Julie needs to change her school schedule due to the CA budget changes.

The theme of change is randomly popping up in my reading.

"They were nothing more than people, by themselves. Even paired, any pairing, they would have been nothing more than people by themselves. But all together, they have become the heart and muscles and mind of something perilous and new, something strange and growing and great.

Together, all together, they are the instruments of change."

Sometimes I suck at change.

Routine is comforting, easy, rhythmic, it lulls and coos in contentment. But sometimes lulls and coos is just a wee bit boring. Dull. We live our life in rhythm and cycles and routine and migration and dream of something different, something more -- then the earth rocks -- it blocks the route to the grazing fields and the herd must change it's path to survive.

So survive I will, change I will. I will travel an alternate migrating route to the grazing fields. Today I start my downtown migration to survive. Wish me well, and wish me a smooth commute, pleasant grazing fields, a contented herd, and scarce prey.

Sometimes I am very good at change.

I've changed from daughter, baby, girl, sister, young girl, little gal, female, hot thing, wife, lady, mother, woman, mother-in-law, grandmother and now I'm Miz Jan. More like the owl then the caterpillar, I think.

If you feel like embracing change today try the recipe on Lynn's blog for Brownies made with avocado. I haven't tried them yet, but I will, I just won't use the cup of coco the recipe calls for.

The movie Temple Grandin was great.

Connor is great -- he is learning that alpha male bit.
Ian is great -- he is embracing his inner chef.
Christian is great -- well he is just great.
He came to see his mother didn't he?
Stephanie is great -- she does everything with a maximum of grace
and a minimum of frustration.
Roger is great -- his wheels continue to turn, both internally and externally.

Now, I need to change into a techno geek to survive. I missed out on that when techno genes were being passed out, so I will just have to change.

Go forth and change, you will not regret it.

1 comment:

  1. right in the flow, or you are writing in my flow
    I wrote my mini poem about struggling with new technology just before reading your excellent prose. We get 11 new clients tomorrow with different technology requirements. And, like you sometimes I find change fascinating, sometimes I am glancing around for the nearest exit ok the last part is not like you. Bless your commute
