Sunday, September 5, 2010


Did you ever notice that if someone is too skinny people say it's a disease, whereas if someone is fat people say they have no self control, no discipline.

Did you ever notice that is someone is a drug addict or alcoholic people say it's a disease, whereas if someone smokes people say they have no self control, no discipline.

Remember when I said I thought the most underrated luxury is a hot shower. Well, I changed my mind. Toilets. Toilets just pushed hot showers to second place. After one too many peanuts and a wee case of the trots, toilets win as the most underrated luxury.

Claire and I went for a drive up past Smoky Point and I discovered three new beautiful state parks.

I called Christian and invited him over today.
He said he might make it.
I said, "Oh goody, we can go to the Vintage air show, we'll have lunch, it will be so much fun, I haven't seen you in so long, we can talk and visit and catch up."
He said, I might not.
He didn't.
We have a tentative date for lunch tomorrow.
Gotta love my moody broody Christian.

Does/did every one have good Labor Day holiday weekend plans? I got three hours off today and I get Wednesday off, but I work Labor Day, five to one thirty.

Jean and Cathy will be here soon, I have three set plans: A Columbia River drive, a jaunt to the city of Forks of Twilight fame, and a side trip to the community of Edison for bread.

God showed his colors with last night's sunset. It wasn't the most spectacular sunset I have ever seen out my west facing window, it was set against almost a complete dome of navy blue/black/inky/smoky sky with just a thin line of orange across the horizon, but it had, between the sky and the horizon, the most brilliant, bold, incredible ribbon of the brightest purest fuchsia you could ever imagine. I know you all have powerful imaginations, but imagine this sliver of fuchsia as even more brilliant. God showed his colors, then I think He talked to me.

God told me to go to Taylor Family Reunion, he didn't send me one free airline ticket, he sent me two. God said go and I'm going. I will arrive on the twentieth and leave on the twenty-fourth.

I read a great quote today on some movie website, "Do things out of love, not fear." I'm feeling the love.

Did you ever notice if God talks you listen?

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