Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall Fog Travelers

The travelers came in the fog and are leaving in the fog. I couldn't see the school last Thursday when they were arriving and I can barely see it this morning as the girls are leaving. But leaving they are, the planes, trains, automobiles, ferry boat and Jan's chase car trip is coming to an end.

The foodie trip continued out in Forks where we ate at Sully's Cafe. Cathy had a Bella Burger and a Twilight Punch -- of course. I think Cathy got her fill of Twilight; we saw the Cullen house, The Swan's home, Dr Cullen's parking spot at the hospital, and saw Bella's trucks, the one from the book and the one used for the movie. Ask Cathy she will tell you, and show you, her photo shoot.

Tuesday we drove to Monroe to my favorite Indian restaurant, The Clay Oven, so Cathy could try creamed spinach among other things. As luck would have it that restaurant was closed only on Tuesdays and only temporary, so we went to my second choice, The Masala. Alas there was no creamed spinach, but both Jean and Cathy enjoyed the tandoori chicken, the pekoras, the naan bread, plus numerous other tasty tidbits.

Next I took them to The Top Pot donut shop in the University of Washington bookstore. Jean had read about them or saw them on some food network show. They didn't disappoint. Cathy also discovered if she bought an insulated cup she would get a free drink, so three free drinks later she had enough insulated cups for the friends in OKC she wanted to take one back to. I received the peach free drink, Jean received the blackberry free drink and Cathy drank the frappachino toffee caramel chocolate what ever drink.

Today it's the Ballard Pancake House for a German apple pancake before they are dropped off at SeaTac and they wing their way home. Just a bit quicker than they chugged-a-chugged their way here. Cathy found a new quote: It's a small world unless you have to walk home. Love it!

We finished up the movie portion of the travel, foodie, coastal, purple house, excellent excursion, drive down the Columbia River trip with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Cuckoo, Bella, and Akeela and the Bee. Cathy said she loved them. Two of them made her cry. Aunt Jan's weird movies passed the watchable test.

Life isn't always a miracle...

...but we had one with Jean.

After she took a tumble onto the dining room floor off the rolling computer chair she is un-hurt, un-bruised, un-sore, un-broke, and ready to roll on down life's highway.

1 comment:

  1. Your Indian Restaurant reference me - Indian restaurant highly recommended to me - Saffron Grill - Northgate exit just a little west after Chevron. Liked Zaika Indian Restaurant, now that you're a downtowner - a detour on the way would get you there, east of freeway 14622 15th Ave NE, Shoreline
