Friday, July 1, 2011

Boy Stories

Boy Story 1:

I asked Christian if he wanted to come to Mukilteo on Father's Day because Jane, Jerry and I were going to Kosta's Greek restaurant. Ian had to work and Roger and Stephanie had plans with her dad. He said what time. I answered oh, somewhere between one and three. Plan set.

Around two pm Father's Day Jerry Jane and I are lounging around drinking coffee waiting for Christian when he calls and says where are you guys I'm sitting at Kosta's waiting for you. Not exactly mom's plan.

We grab shoes, turn off lights, lock the door, and dash up to Kosta's where we have a great Greek dinner. Back on the plan.

We talk and laugh and have a fun visit, but when the last bite of bread, salad, and Greek pasta goes into everyone's mouths Christian puts his hands palm down on the table and asks the universe "Well, are we done here?" Christian's plan I guess.

Jerry Jane and I couldn't decide if he had one hot date or if family duty was fulfilled, but which ever one it was, Christian was gone. Gotta love the boy.

Boy story 2:

Roger couldn't take Jerry and Jane to the train station Saturday morning because he had a race to run; Seattle's Rock n Rolla, 25,000 strong.

Ian was happy to do the duty but had a little trepidation because last time he took family to the train station there were some mix-ups and difficulty, but still he was game.

Now, have you ever tried to get to the downtown train station with 25,000 runners going for the finish line. After they had "official" help crossing a street during a lull in the runners there were still too many road blocks to overcome. They could see the station, they just couldn't get to the station. Finally the out of towners decided to walk from where they were.

It had a happy ending, because they made it to the train station, rode the train to California and made it to Janice's without any more obstacles. Early warning: Ian might not take any future visitors to the downtown train station.

Ian decided racers were annoying. Gotta love the boy.

Boy story 3:

At my last playdate with Connor we had a silly, tickly, goofy time. I chased him, he chased me, we kicked the ball and crashed the trucks, we sung songs and all fell down.

By now Granny is pooped so I sat on the couch and picked up a magazine.

Connor came running over and grabbed the magazine out of my hands, threw it on the ottoman and said "The End."

Gotta love the boy.

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