Friday, May 3, 2013

They are everywhere, they are everywhere!

I woke up to a seagull kind of morning, a beautiful brilliant day designed for day off delight. The sun shinning, the flowers bobbing in a gentle breeze, the birds darting singing, children playing, the green grass growing, and snow capped mountains looming everywhere, everywhere.

After weeks of overcast skies sometimes I forget the beauty majesty and absolute glory I live in. The Cascades glimmered, the Olympics shimmered, Mt Baker gleamed, and Mt Rainier, of course, towered above us all. A perfect day for pampering; haircut, pedicure, manicure

But first I had to make a run down I-5.

Between the traffic, road construction, accidents and assholes I arrived in Ballard in time to hear Christian cuss out my car -- not once but twice. He explained he wasn't cussing out the car per se, but the Phd's who designed a four minute job into an hour and thirty-nine minute job -- oh he has an opinion or two.

He finished my car, but not in time to beat the hordes of high school teenagers to the new, number one, award winning, just opened, moved from a truck to next door, Mexican restaurant.

I had a flu bug and my allergies have sky rocketed. Me who used to have 24 hours of allergy attacks a year is going on weeks of allergy angst, and the allergy pills keep me awake, yeah like I need that.

So wiping away the drips I arrive home in time to receive the letter from The Unites States of America, United States Department of State, Western Passport Center who won't claim me as a US citizen. I swear only me would be denied a passport. I knew I shouldn't have signed my own birth certificate.

So, unless my siblings will come forth and claim me, unless they can find me in the US census (no guarantees) around the time of my birth, unless there is existing health records, unless my parents or a health attendant will write an affidavit, or insurance rent tax employment medical or welfare records can be found, something or somebody to prove I was Born in the USA, they can't vet me and I don't have a country. You all know how diligent mom and dad were with health insurance and rent receipts. I guess that puts me off the grid somehow, or on the grid as suspect. What ever.

I knew I shouldn't have burned Julia with an Iron.
Stole Jean's make-up
Pushed Jerry down the back steps.
Put Crisco in Jo's hair.
Tore the heads off paper dolls, ran away from home, smoked behind the barn, wrecked the car, broke the front door window, hid dirty dishes in the oven, put mashed potatoes in my pocket, drove too fast, copied Jane's homework, stayed out too late, wore short shorts, and hid in the cedar tree while the whole countryside was looking for me.
I knew I shouldn't have stabbed Janice with a pencil growing up.

Oh, and Conner got in trouble at school for, you guessed it, stabbing his mate with a pencil. What goes around comes around I guess. What ever.

So that's my troubles, then there is Janice in her sixth hospital, well sixth move. Jerry has been chopped, Claire is waiting for her bone biopsy report.

A day of forgotten dreams.
It's a feel sorta good day.

Some things are bigger than me. And the mountains continue to loom every where, every where.

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