Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oh Crap!

I went to the doctor today and I have to tell you I have a crap body. Crap diabetes, crap blood pressure, crap heart, lungs, ears, eyes, bladder. I'm like that old truck I used to drive, nothing on it worked but it just wouldn't die, it just kept on going. Not like the Energizer bunny going, but more like a crap old truck still going.

My sweet doctor told me what a good job I'm doing and to keep up the good work and THEN said stop smoking, lose weight and exercise. She's been my doctor for a good number of years now, doesn't she know by now I am not going to stop smoking, lose weight and exercise. She always calls me "my dear" and hugs me hello and goodbye, maybe she had a lesson in physical contact for the elderly. I don't know. But I will tell you this, crap I am and crap I will stay.

And speaking of weird movies:
here is my list of weird, watchable, confusing, strange, wondrous films;
Silent Souls 
Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
A Shadow We Soon Will Be
Le Quattro Volte
The Mill and The Cross

Le Quattro Volte is about the four essences of man: mineral, vegetable, animal, human according to one theory or Pythagoras' theory of four successive lives we each much live. Wonderful film without dialogue.

The Mill and The Cross is about entering Bruegel's painting The Procession to Calvary. I can't even describe it. Again practically no dialogue.

Quote: Intelligence is terrible. It makes us do stupid things. Jean Renoir -- from another film altogether; French Cancan.  

Bo made the Korean feast she promised. I think she made one of everything. Everything was beautiful and then more beautiful. Sushi, kimchi. Kimchi made with spices her grandmother hand grinds in Korea. She made these little radish wrapped salads that looked like miniature Asian tacos overflowing with vegetables all kind of pickled and delicious. Miso soup, until you have had Bo's miso soup you haven't had miso soup. It had little octopus type mushrooms floating in it along with about eighteen other vegetables. A beef stir-fry thingy, a cold noodle pork thingy. She kept bringing in food and unpacking food and serving up food. My wee kitchen and no dining area hampered her artist expression a little bit, but the beauty of the food shone anyway. Bo did the cooking, but Christian said he chopped every vegetable -- and -- sliced the sushi.

Bo was busy unpacking and arranging food when Christian mentioned that the Seattle Seahawks were behind in their game. Bo continued with the dinner until Christian told her the Seahawks were two touchdowns behind, that is when Bo discovered I don't have a TV. When Christian informed her it was 21 to nothing Bo lost it and said. "Where's a bar?" and left. Not to return until the Seahawks had tied the game and she could continue with dinner. Gotta love Bo.

I believe in reality. It is a strange world living in the bounds of reality. We are like ancient mariners or Greek pottery from 3,000 years ago. Reality wraps around us, there and not there. Then and not now. Is reality any more real or less real because we are living through it? Alive now and not there or then. Where does reality cease to be reality? When does it drift so complete and transparent that it is gone?

Reality is the rhythm of days, of life. No purpose, no grand plan or scheme, just living, just being. That is what the Mill and Cross film was about, that is what the Bruegel painting was about. In the midst of, and all around great and momentous happenings, life goes on, with bread baking, playing with pets, birthing, sky gazing, cloud watching, going to the doctor.

Crap body in a beautiful world -- gotta love life.

1 comment:

  1. wow that was a "big" quote on Reality, hmmm I shall have to ponder it more later, way cool
