Friday, June 20, 2014

Psycho Babble or Being miffed

Lately I have been "miffed" about customers who want me to find their order, but they don't have the order number, can't remember what address they used, can't remember what name they used, which credit card, phone number, or email address. All of our search methods are a mystery to them. Yeah, that's easy for me to do, let me get my crystal ball. Then they are in a hurry, have to leave right now, what is your problem -- ejit.

Drivers who change lanes seven times just to get behind the car in front of me going the same speed I am. Now that is a commute complaint.

The waitress at the breakfast restaurant Claire and I have been going to for five years who can't/won't remember we want separate checks.

Punk kids on general principle. Kids who think that their knowing something that you don't makes them smarter and cooler, like they are creating the Universe for the first time, blissfully unaware that every thing they know they learned from someplace else. Punk a_s kids.

Quote: Everyone you meet knows something you don't. Good quote.

Being accused of base motives, joking or not. Joking that I am lazy for being late when I was in horrid traffic and had to sit through each and every signal light twice and was only five minutes late! Always a negative spin.

My new blood pressure machine that keeps telling me I have high blood pressure. Stupid machine.

Losing my hearing, getting fatter instead of losing weight for my Alaskan cruise, bad movies, lots of those lately, Dr appointments, lots of those lately, my downtown parking rate going from $14.64 to $15.86.


I think about the seven pairs of red shoes I have for the cruise. I have won a new purse, a new wallet and three pair of shoes that I will be taking along. Plus I just won another pair, but this time I have my eye on a leopard print. Winning shoes is fun.

Bo is making me a some dress-for-dinner pants and they might not be basic black, they might be cranberry or purple, she is creative and has carte blanche.

I think about the dinner and show with Christian and Bo, dinner at the Ramen Man, Connor in all his manifestations, all the kind, funny, grateful customers, anyone who gets my jokes, calling in sick for lack of sleep and being mush on the couch while Ian cleaned and did laundry, my wee plant that I transplanted into a bigger pot and is now taking over the west window, The Oatmeal Comics piece on What it's like to drive a Tesla Model S, very good, go read that one.

Something new: an e-cigarette that needs its battery charged. A cigarette with a battery charger, what will they think of next?

Exploring depth, breadth, mystery and meaning brought me to my local pizza parlor, the sign out front told me "Today is a good day to have a good day."

So I will.

Except I am "miffed" at the scam phone call Claire received from the IRS telling her to call immediately or she would be charged substantial penalties. She didn't fall for it, but it "miffed" me mightily.

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