Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Taylors and Mothers Day


T -- Smart
A -- Funny
Y -- Helpful
L -- Kind
O -- Gracious
R -- Practical
S -- Inquisitive

- and also -
travelers, adventurers, yacky, loving, original, responsible, sincere,
- and also -
good cooks, slightly socially inept, readers, hard working, creative,  
- and also -
A wee bit oddball,
Thank goodness.

Big family, big feelings, big experiences, fullness of life.

In case you missed it, Jean and Julia are coming for a visit. I can't wait to play. I have birds in mind, I have drives in mind, I have what is supposed to be the best fried chicken in Seattle in mind, at a Thai food restaurant of all places. Jean I'm thinking we will have to try Mo'Ono Fried Chicken and Whiskey. Julia I'm feeling Camano Island calling our name, supposed to be good birding. There will also be an opportunity to see and admire The Connorman, I know you don't want to miss that. I'll hear today how his first Lego class went.

By the time you get here Mother's Day will have come and gone. Me and the boys are going to Kosta's Greek Restaurant for some fine Greek dining. Kosta's is always quiet and calm, something I like better then hyper and busy and trendy. Tonight Roger is cooking some kind of fancy burger with bruschetta buns? What the heck?

What a lot of good mothers we are. It makes me swell with pride when I think of all the good Taylor mothers. Even the guys are good mothers. Jeff, Jason, Roger, Marc, Mark, good mothers all. Don't know about New Chris yet, I've been afraid to ask if children loomed on Chris and Nora's horizon. Actually it is none of my business, so I haven't asked. Chris D looks a good mother to his friend's children, Brittany is a good mother to her Dax. Summer shines as a good mother. Some mothers are stern, some are whacky, some would get up at midnight to make fried chicken for their chicks, I am not that mother. I'll get up if it involves a wound or a crash otherwise let me sleep.

Mothering my sons is the easiest job I have ever had. They are so much more than I deserve. Can I tell you how grateful I am for each one, each and every day? What a lazy mom I am and what delightful boys I have. Speaking of sons, Christian's birthday is Saturday. I remember that Mother's Day birthing a boy. The longest, squallingest, cutest baby birthed at the hospital on that day. Even birthing them was easy. No long labors for me; BOOM, here they are. I would come in, have a baby, and leave while the woman next to me was still, well, still laboring.

You can try to Happy Birthday Christian on Facebook, but he doesn't pay much attention to FB.

Getting ready for family checklist:
Clean house -- check. Ian did that.
Laundry -- check. Ian did that.
Vacuum -- check. Ian did that.
Sweep -- check. Ian did that.
Groceries -- check. Ian did that.
Groceries put away -- check. Ian did that.
Prepare the guest room -- check. Ian did that.
Daydream about what to do -- check. I did that.
Plan a road trip, restaurant trip, bird trip -- check. I did that.
Gather all the fixings for Chocolate chip cookies -- check. I won't admit who did that.
Extra coffee, extra spending money, new rocking chair -- check, check, check.
Dust -- no check. No one ever does that.

So to all you Taylor mothers out there, male and female, with children or without, Happy Mother's Day, but also, just Happy Day.

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