Friday, January 29, 2016

Mr Harris Hugged Me.

Mr Harris hugged me and the Sun came out.

The 37 minutes Mr Harris spent with me changed my life forever. He did that with listening, probing, and asking the right questions. Doing his job with grace and kindness.

Kindness is never forgotten.

Mr Harris discovered I was being underpaid with my Social Security benefits. I had signed up wrong. It means the difference of below poverty level to just comfortable.

You may remember him in your prayers tonight.

I walked out in a daze. The Sun was shining. I heard there was a rainbow, but I didn't see it.
I didn't need to see it.
Intelligence, integrity, he said he was just doing his job. The fact that he probed just a bit deeper was of invaluable service to me. Sometimes the right answer isn't the obvious answer floating on the surface. Sometimes it is deeper.

Our very own Mark Harris told me to "progress toward bliss."
Kindness and bliss are much on my mind right now Mark Harris.

"It is better to be kind than to be right." I forget where that quote comes from.

Mr Harris at Social Security was so pleased with himself he came out from behind the bullet proof glass and gave me a hug much to the astonishment of the waiting room crowd. Much to my astonishment.

I believe there is much kindness in the world and not always recognized, noticed or seen. Kindness to children, animals, the elderly, trees. Kindness in listening, helping, giving, serving, appreciating. Kindness doesn't take work. It is just a state of being.

There is a type of kindness that does take a lot of work, if you feed the hungry, adopt a hospice infant, or are an NGO in a hostile location, but it doesn't have to. Kindness doesn't come with baggage. It doesn't have a hidden agenda. It just is.

Some of my deepest regrets are when I failed to be kind.

Forever kindness is a gift we can give the world and forever make it a better place.

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