Saturday, June 4, 2016

Miracles Do Happen

So Jeff wasn't feeling so good.
So Jeff and Julia decided not to go hiking.
So Julia Googles Jeff's symptoms and it suggests heart issues.
So they go to the hospital.
So Jeff has had a heart attack and has a blood clot in his lungs.
So Jeff is under proper medical care.
So Julia, Jean, Jerry, Jane, Tal, Summer and Brittany are all in attendance. As Janice says the "wagons circled."
So Jeff is in good hands.
So miracles do happen.
So I want Julia riding in my car Googling.

The miracle of mountains. As I was driving to The University Village for my annual sidewalk sale visit to Something Silver and Ian, the Pacific Northwest mountains were stunning. Mount Rainier was soaring, Mount Baker gleaming, the Cascades shining, the Olympics aglow. The glory of this Earth is a miracle of humbling proportions. The Earth is so large and I am so small yet my soul soars with the majesty of eagles up to the very top. The miracle of mountains that I don't have to buy a ticket for, wait in line for, see in a museum, feel sorry for myself because I can't afford one. or envy someone else's. Even though they feed my soul they don't feel like mine. They feel expansive, inclusive, glory belonging to everyone.

I enjoyed the miracle of Ian at The University Village sidewalk sale. This is my miracle, he is my son, I'm the one that birthed him. Now he is his own person, his particular DNA mix is his not mine. He is such a pleasure to walk up to and see him busy with his trade. All his colleagues are so kind and welcoming. He took me to lunch at Din Tai Fung, a Michelein rated dim sum restaurant, go ahead, ask me how good it was. I didn't fall off my high protein diet too much, just some wee dumplings, a noodle dish I can't even describe, perfect fried rice, and garlic sauteed green beans -- yep worthy of being called miracle. Miracle food with Ian and his friend Calysta that feeds the miracle of life.

The miracle of friendship and the trip to Flathead Lake. A nine hour drive through valleys, plateaus, down highways and byways, beside rivers, more rivers, and then more rivers. Powering through the mountains, over the mountains, around the mountains ending at the Mission Mountains towering over Flathead Valley all the way to the lake. Mary and I were so surprised at how delightful the trip was for such a short Memorial weekend. It was so worth the hours of the drive with the reward the hours at the lake. An eighteen hour drive there and back again with the end result a delicate trip of  laughs, quiet, and vista's. The drive was easy, the recuperation not so easy. I think I slept for two days after we returned

The miracle of rain as we watched a storm coming at us from across the lake closer and closer until we finally dashed about gathering dishes, toys, dogs, and kids, and headed for cover, then just as it reached our side of the lake, it veered right and we barely received a sprinkle.

Mary's sister's friend at the first evening meal together asked me about my accent and I told her I was from Oklahoma. She sniffed, or harrumphed, I'm not sure which, and said off all the states she has to visit Oklahoma is the one she likes going to the least. Ha! HA! If she wants to insult an Okie she will have to do better than that. We Okies have been insulted by the best and that faux pas barely caused a notice. Aren't people a miracle? Yes they are! And Okies are blessed with miraculously thick skin. After that it was a miracle of friendliness for the rest of the visit.

Mary's daughter Colleen was a miracle of kindness. I thought I was Mary and her sister's guest, but as it turns out I was Colleen's guest. She treated me like royalty, commandeered the household, didn't let me do any heavy lifting, and cleaned the final stages. Mary and her daughter and her granddaughters are part of the miracle of humanity, and they made me laugh, and Colleen taught me how to cook spaghetti sauce in a slow cooker. Who knew? My spaghetti sauce was a hit by the way. Another miracle?

Roger and Jane will have their birthdays tomorrow. Roger will turn forty-nine and Jane will be forty-nine-ish.

Lynn has a new hip, Jeff ticker is still ticking, Jean and Brittany brought me some Whataburger Spicy ketchup when they visited and I've had it on everything except watermelon, Connor told me my car turtle stencils were car "tattoos," I love a young mind. Miracles all.

Miles traveled:
With Jean in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas; 2000
With Kathy in Washington; 400
With Jean/Brittany in Washington, Oregon, California, Canada; 1400
With Mary in Washington, Idaho, Montana; 1000
Looking forward to Hawaii.
Have retirement -- miracle, will travel -- miracle.


Sunshine, the miracle of sunshine.
Ordinary miracles really are extraordinary.

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