Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow on the Mountains

The sound is covered in wispy steamy fog, but Mukilteo, Whidbey Island, and The Olympic Mountains are all soaring above the fog and glistening in the pale sunshine. It is beautiful and mild. I hope you are safe, warm, and snow and ice free.

I had a small karmic lesson in attachment today. I went to work and my little Valentine sack that was setting on my desk for colleagues to put goodies in was stolen. I was surprised at how disappointed I felt that my little bag of goodies was gone. Ain't life amazing.

I don't know whodunit, but I'm guessing it's the butler.

Happy February to you all.


  1. Oh no.. I can't believe someone would have stolen your goodies! Well know you are loved and that they must not feel very loved!

  2. Lisa, that is exactly the attitude I was searching for. Lovely. Thank you
