Thursday, April 8, 2010

Listing and Legendary

Jean will be listing to the side for a bit after her cataract surgery. I tried both her phone numbers this morning and missed her on all counts. I guess I didn't get up early enough.
I'd try to call Jean and receive no response, then I'd type on my computer to try to blog a bit and get no response -- All I wanted to do was wish Jean well.

I hope the result of her surgery is she has eyes like a damn blue jay, no like an eagle, they are more majestic.

I hope the doctors are amazed at how well it goes. I hope they exclaim they had never had a more perfect experience. I hope it doesn't hurt a bit. Seems like I remember it is a pain free surgery. Anyway, get well Jean.

Mark will be listing to the side for a bit after his broken leg surgery. Ditto what I wrote for Jean, well, except for the phone calls, and the eyes like an eagle, and the pain free. Pain free means the leg is gone and we don't wish that. So may you have minimal pain, and I do hope the doctors exclaim they had never had a more perfect surgery. I hope the doctors are amazed at how well it goes. And you, you "steely-eyed missile man" I hope you get well lickity split. That's Southern talk for quick. All our love to you, and no more tumbles in the tub.

The legendary? Out of the ether -- out of the cosmos -- out of the infinite infinity of cyberspace space -- I received an email from Andrew Bowman -- Me and no other made contact! I can prove it, I have a copy of the original email:

This is your nephew Andrew. Hey, what are you up to and how are you doing? OK bye.

Now, did you get one of those? No, I didn't think so. After the initial contact Andrew replied to my reply. He is reading -- lots -- enough to rival you Jerry, and doing well. Now that I have heard from Andrew, I believe anything is possible. I believe in miracles: I'll quit smoking, there will be peace in the middle east, Jeff will get married, Ian will go to Harvard, Jerry will lose weight, and I don't know something else miraculous will happen, Connor will run the Boston Marathon at four and win.

Thank you Andrew for my new found belief in miracles.

Other than that life is pretty ordinary.
Onlineshoes will have it's last warehouse sale April 23, 24, and 25.
Adjusting to my new trifocals.
Lunch with Claire.
Christian will maintain my car.
Cooking some veggies to keep on the "kinda healthy" track.
Playdate with Connor.

I was talking to Jerry the other day and Jane was reading Seattle's weather forecast. Eight days of rain. She was right, eight long days of rain and today a glimpse of sunshine. See, it's a miracle.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I was going to my friend Carol's for Easter dinner and I took a ferry to the wrong island. I had to get an a different ferry and go to the right island. I was a bit late for dinner. I'm hoping it's because I'm getting old and not because I'm losing my mind.

Life isn't always snow-capped Olympics.

Wish you were here.

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