Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Happens

Connor gets a chocolate and candy free Easter, it will be toys and noise and lots of fun for the wee man, but no sweets.

Health seems to be on people's minds, at their fingertips, people just trying to get a bit healthier. Everything from cutting out smoking to cutting out sweets. No huge major life changes, except for the cigarettes maybe, and the eye surgery, but lots of little increments. Walking, breathing, pesky eye surgeries are all part of getting sorted, of having a healthier frame of mind, frame of reference.

Christian has an almost new girl friend. Oh, sorry I got a little distracted, not overly excited or anything, no visions of future weddings and grand babies, just curious. So, back to health.

I read an article by Michael Pollan about how he could have any treat he wanted as long as he made it himself; french fries, ice cream, chocolate eclairs are all legal under his personal rule. I like that rule.

So, here's to a Happy Easter, a healthy future, and all the treats you can make. Now, I wonder how to make chocolate marshmallow bunnies...

Life isn't always roses and bubbles.

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