Friday, July 9, 2010

Blessing, Babies, Beliefs, Barbecues and Husbands

Blessings: A hot shower has to be the most underrated luxury in the world. At will, we can walk into our little private bath and there is both hot and cold running water to cleanse, cool, or refresh ourselves with. We get to select the degree of hot or cold, a skosh to the right or a skosh to the left, and seconds later we have a pulsating shower the exact temperature for our personal pleasure. A hot shower has got to be the biggest bang for the luxury buck.

The word skosh comes from Japanese sukoshi. How about that? Can you tell I had to consult Merriam-Webster to spell it?

Babies: Cara had a miscarriage. She is doing fine, but it made me think of all the little ones we have birthed in our time. Puny Nora, Amber couldn't digest milk, Chuck wouldn't sleep, Ian allergic to all but the most expensive milk, long skinny Janelle. What a crop of lovely babies we have had, and look at the next generation, Brittany, Connor, Judy, Jordan, do they get any cuter?

Beliefs: I found a quote somewhere "Beliefs divide people, doubts unite them." I worry about the measures being taken against immigrants. All the doubts about them reminds me of the strong escalating feelings towards the Jews in 1930 Germany.

Barbecues: We are cooking here in Seattle, 93 degrees, 89 degrees. You know that hot shower I mentioned earlier, well lately it has been cool cool cool as I try to cool cool cool off before I go to bed. So far it's working pretty good. The worm is supposed to turn tonight when the marine breeze returns and baths us in 63 degrees once more.

Husbands: A customer told me she was at the age where she would only wear comfortable shoes, no more cute and trendy shoes for her. "Comfortable shoes and a comfortable husband is all you need in life."

So there you have it.

Love to all. What ever you are doing may it be rewarding, prosperous, comfortable and the right temperature.

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