Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cars, Trucks, and Unruly Weather

And Pumpkin pie. Stephanie sent me some good old fashioned pumpkin pie made from a fresh pumpkin baked in the oven. It is delicious. I know how much work goes into making a pumpkin pie from a raw pumpkin and I want her to know I appreciate the effort and I appreciate her thinking of me and sending me a fair share. How did I get the pumpkin pie? Well...

...The boys had a Sunday son's dinner without me last Sunday. How did that happen? Well, the car shopping for Ian was over and I was sound asleep from being up late the night before at the company Christmas party. I didn't get into bed Saturday night until 11:30 and then was back up at 3:30 to be at work by 5am on Sunday morning. Soooo, Sunday night I crashed and burned as the sons had a son's dinner without me. I didn't know they were dining as I was sleeping.

Ian has a car -- at last.
Janice was the banker and came through with a loan.
Christian was the mechanic and approved the car.
Roger was the negotiator and bargained for the car.
Ian was the aesthetic and was satisfied with the look of the car.
A 1994 Honda Accord, four door, automatic, sunroof, and Ian thinks it might be a seafoam blue but really can't remember. Christian is giving it a tuneup before turning it over to Ian so Ian hasn't seen it since last Sunday when they had the son's dinner without me.

Tal do you know how many kinds, varieties, and styles of trucks there are carrying different shapes, configurations and types of loads that is on the road these days? Everyday on my fifty mile commute I am newly educated. Everything from the regular loads of logs or fuel hauling to mysteries beyond imagining. What a constant stream of entertainment they are. Me, all the time madly guessing, "What the heck could that possibly be?"

Today, besides the unusual trucks I observed, I was entertained by the weather. I drove to work in the wee hours through a soft misty drizzle. As the morning progressed and I looked out the window of my downtown office space the drizzle had turned into a downpour. The sky was black, the trees were bending in the wind, people were hunkered under inadequate umbrellas and coming into the call center drenched and dripping. As the day progressed the Sun came out, brilliant sunshine glowed over all the downtown area, I could see the Olympic mountains glistening almost fifty miles away. By the time I was driving home it was overcast with low light and low visability, by the time I was cruising into Mukilteo the weather was back to a soft misty drizzle.

Entertaining daughters in law, entertaining sons, entertaining trucks and entertaining weather.

Sometimes life is variable.

1 comment:

  1. I should have known you would be the one to share the "what kind of "truck" is that "huh" what's on it/in . . .journey there's one I have seen 2 or 3 times thought belonged on the x-files or in some old movie . . . ever so curious when not wondering about the 20th car that just missed someone else's
