Friday, October 7, 2011


When I look at Connor, with his blue blue eyes and his blond blond hair, I wonder where has the Mexican gone. I think the Mexican gene is bred out.

And then on our playday Wednesday I took him fruit like I always do, but at the last minute I stopped at McDonalds for some sausage biscuits. When I was giving him his breakfast of fruit and biscuits he ate the fruit and left the sausage biscuit. Sad to say I think the Okie gene is bred out also. What's up with that?

When I tried to do my weeks cooking on Thursday, nothing was as good as I used to be able to make. I think my cooking gene has died. I know some of you are thinking: Did she ever have one?

I made potato salad and it was more like mashed potato salad, I might have over cooked the potatoes a bit. I made a Taco casserole in the crock pot and it was edible but a tad disappointing. Not particularly taco-ish. Not fantastic. Not a keeper recipe or I failed somewhere adjusting the ingredients. Then I made the zucchini tomato cracker bake and it was close to a disaster. I thought it would be similar to Aunt Fanny's squash casserole -- it wasn't. However a pound of butter did improve it somewhat, but then a pound of butter would improve sawdust wouldn't it.

I can't wait to get to Greenleaf and eat food I didn't cook. Even Julia's.

I can't wait to get to Greenleaf.

I can't wait to get to Greenleaf and hug talk laugh admire listen think relax remember nap and watch Connor.

I watched a fantastic movie, so if you want to see a movie about disgruntled parking lot attendants watch The Parking Lot Movie. Fantastic.

Right now I think I will take a nap.

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