Friday, August 23, 2013

Little Things, Little Life

Wish big, the Universe is Generous -- greeting card.

"When your eyes are softly focused on the horizon for sustained periods your brain releases endorphins. It's the same as a runners high. These days we all spend our lives staring at screens twelve inches in front of us. It's a nice change." Dad to Bee from the book, Where'd You Go, Bernadette

My religious friend was going to Africa on a mission and wanted earplugs to close out the sound of Muslim prayers. Hmmm

No matter what I give to the homeless folks downtown; money, matches, cigarettes, food they always "God Bless" me in return. Hmmm

That full moon.
Delightful lazy day. Spectacular weather. Glorious sunsets.
Life in the slow lane.

Carol camping. Mary Montana and drumming. Lynn park walking. Sandy Dragon Boat rowing. Eleanor visiting cousins in Canada. Claire breakfasting. Kathleen sleuthing genealogy. Jan growing tomatoes -- almost there -- I think it can, I think it can, I think it can.

Enjoying life in the little things.
Pictures of Mother Teresa. Facebook chatter. Pictures of babies. Branson eating Cheerios. Marinated meat cooked perfectly. Starbucks black sweet tea. Healthy snacks from Bo. My red tomato. Jason's liberal views. Brittany's romance. Foreign movies; Nora's Will was good. Map of Tulsa. New maps. Anticipating a trip to Canada. Breakfast or coffee with friends two or three times a week. Christian fixing my car in three minutes. My glorious new birthday mattress and pillow from Roger and Stephanie. Packing Connor a treat tin every playdate. Connor showing me the correct way to record music on his music machine gizmo. Errands with Ian; post office, library, bank, Starbucks, grocery store, Target, Triple A, Half Price Book store, Taco Time for lunch, Ballard for Christian to take three minutes to fix my car, a fast stop at Bellevue Mall for Ian to exchange a birthday gift. Going home. Naps -- always.

Christian asked me to watch Tiki while he and Bo went out of town for the weekend. So I walked Tiki into the condo, put down food and water at about the time Ian came home and did everything else. He walked Tiki, made her bed, let her sleep with him, cuddled and loved her. When Christian came to pick Tiki up he asked, "Was she any trouble?"  "No, no trouble at all."

Brown beans -- no cornbread. Creole Okra. Molasses cookies. Janice walking. Family. Sons. Friends children getting married and having babies. Home grown tomatoes. Hunting for crawdads. Climbing trees.

I don't miss doing laundry in the rock house. Plucking chickens. Going to school. Picking blackberries. Walking dusty 50th Street. Washing truckers underwear.

Grateful I never had to pick cotton.

Make someone happy today.

1 comment:

  1. lots of good feeling stuff in here - hmmm I wonder about the quote on watching the horizon,
    I am grateful for my easy life
