Thursday, January 14, 2010

Families Rally and Support and Love

Connor turned one year old and had a delightful little party surrounded by supporting and loving adults.

Jean struggles regaining strength, control, and range of motion of her rebuilt knee surrounded by a loving family.

My friend buried her father surrounded by love and support.

Jane's family surrounds Joe, as he struggles with an internal battle unknowable to us, with support for each other, with support for Evelyn in her watchful vigil, and with love for their children.

Haiti begins it's monumental national recovery supported with a world's compassion.

Reaching out to another human being is a gift. Accessing deep pools of compassion is a gift. Allowing our abundant love to flow to another is a gift. Rallying firmly, supporting gently, loving faithfully is a gift we give each other.

The idea of families rallying, supporting, and loving fills me with life affirming hope. Life is not always a gentle breeze.

Babies surrounded by family.
Families surrounded by community.
Communities surrounded by nations.
Nations surrounded by the world.

I can not imagine standing alone in adversity.

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