Thursday, January 28, 2010


Middle Eastern meltdown. Financial meltdown. Tiger Woods meltdown. Weather meltdown. Taylor family health meltdown. Seven-folks-laid-off-from-Onlineshoes-nervous-Jan meltdown.

I need a little good news today. Got any?

Betty posted a picture of Jade, Josephine's great grandaughter, on Facebook. Jade qualifies as good news, what a raven haired beauty she is.

Ian went to The Seattle Gift Market with Something Silver's owner to help think, design, purchase, and distribute the company's seasonal window treatments for all ten stores. He hasn't been to a business market since Bob and I took him to The Dallas Clothing Market about twenty-five years ago. He was 1 year old.

Connor's walking, well sort of.

Connor's toddling, and doing a damn fine job of it if I do say so myself. I've never seen a toddler toddle with quite the elegance and grace and intelligence of Connor's technique. Poetry in motion. Beauteous to behold. History in the making.

Did you ever count off the favorite pastimes of the Taylor Herd? No? Well, don't worry I did it for you: We make candy, cook, bake, bike, play basketball, basketball, basketball and then play some more basketball, I don't think there is a single Taylor who didn't play basketball at one time or another. Halt, wait, rewind: Ian, I don't suppose Ian has ever even touched a basketball in his life let alone play it, I don't think so, but let us continue.

Birdwatch, bowl, hike, jog, run, walk, photograph, golf, build models, kayak (me, once for a few hours,) canoe, travel, write, drive, swim, garden, quilt, dance, work crosswords, camp, fire build, paint, draw, doodle (is that a pastime? I need an official ruling on that one from the pastime experts) shop, as in expert shopping, pastime shopping not grocery shopping, people-watch, sew, act, we read, read, read, read and then read some more, watch movies ( has anyone seen Trucker? Excellent film with a lovely emotional wallop) I would list gambling, drinking and sex but this is a family blog -- and I'm not even up to the new techie stuff that I know nothing about; texting, facebooking and blogging.

Yep, being us is good news.

Taylor's don't rate high in the canon's of history, but damn we are good at living.

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