Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jean, Nora, Brothers

I'm thinking of Jean, Nora, and brothers tonight as I ready myself for bed.

I called Jean before Ian and I went on our Tuesday errand run and she was feeling pretty spry and sassy. She had walked to the bathroom, with the aid of a therapist and a walker, then went on to the hall, with the aid of a therapist and a walker, then back to bed, with the aid of a therapist and a walker. Can't keep a good woman down.

The first therapist is the one who helps her do her morning ablutions. Then she had a physical therapist who visited her twice today to put her through her recovery paces. When she has finished she says she has quiet a bit of pain, but gets her pain medication and a rest before she has to do it all over again. They are all complementing her, MIGHTILY, on how well she is doing. Like we are surprised.

Today has been all soft misty Pacific Northwest weather and I thought: Nora when are you and your friends going to come to Roche Harbor on San Juan Island for a spa weekend for your facials, massages and masks. You may borrow my car from Wednesday afternoon until Friday night, no questions asked. I have no idea what the connection is between Jean and brothers, but there you were in my thoughts.

Jean told me Jane's brother Joe was taken to the hospital with serious complications today, and that reminded me how much we love our brothers. What would our world be like with out them? They are helpful, ornery, funny, thoughtful, entertaining, and sometimes down right scary, but they are always wonderful brothers.

We weren't his family, but I think Joe has helped every one of us at one time or another. His generosity is well know. His humor legendary. Remember the time he made falsies for Jane's skinny ankles; a bit of nylon, a bit of cotton, and a bit of Velcro and Jane had normal size ankles instead of sticks.

Our love goes out to Joe; so add a prayer for Joe when you say a prayer for Jean. He's one of the good guys and deserves them. And you might as well add a prayer for all the other brothers as well, we do love them, and they need all the help they can get.


  1. Darling Aunt Jan! Sadly, weddings have gotten in the way of travel plans. One of my friends is betraying her gender and planning a walk down the aisle in September so all 2010 plans have been put on hold until wedding stuff gets finalized. I definitely want to return to see all the things that we missed last time (I want to see a whale, dagnabit!), but I'm not sure of the "when."

    I'll keep you posted!
    Love, Nora

  2. Nora, Ian is going to be another Man of Honor in a July wedding. Weddings are in the air, are your vaccinations up to date or are you at risk?

  3. I feel fairly confident at the moment that I am safe. I've built up a strong immunity through the years. However, these things do have a way of mutating so I think it's always best to proceed with caution.
