Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Us!

A day of bliss. Spending time with my true love, and my best friend in the whole wide world (BFITWWW). Our goal today is to recreate our honeymoon right here in the OKC metro, as close as possible anyway. Breakfast of fresh fruit from a fruit stand, coffee and rolls in our bedroom to mimic the breakfast in our hotel room we had 10 years ago (after a trip to a Napa Valley farmers' market), some shopping for furniture, because that has become our ritual, and then to the bead store.

Sitting in the bead store in Midwest City watching Amber shop with delight. There are so many sparkly things, and just as many do-dads to connect them together. It was 10 years ago yesterday that we became connected for life and I am so blessed that she said yes that I sometimes have to pinch myself to test whether or not it's real, or maybe just a dream?

Just the other day, Amber said to one of our 4 children (includes Ann-Lizette) I can't remember which one, that marriage is a daily choice. You have to choose everyday to be married and that some days are easier than others. In that spirit I would add that every day you stay married, one of you is making the proposal and one of you is saying "yes". But most days don't feel that way with the mundane chores of work, family, and just stuff, we take that fact for granted... But not today.

Lunch at Panera Bread for some clam chowder in a sour dough bread bowl, like the lunch we had on the wharf, and then to a movie-- the film "The Help", which was thought provoking and touching and makes you wonder how some people can be so blind to oppression and a total disregard for human dignity, but it is a testament to how change can begin with just a whisper.

After the movie, it's home to dress for a 7:30 dinner at a restaurant on lake Hefner facing a gorgeous Oklahoma sunset-- a re-creation of our dinner with a view of the pacific ocean (sans the big red bridge) -- and then a dessert of the best ever key lime pie (from the restaurant) and coffee at Starbucks, a card and some Ghirardelli chocolates (made in San Francisco).

This re-creation of San Francisco was really just an attempt to simulate the keeping of a vow we made to return for our 10th anniversary, but this year we chose a swimming pool instead. The two every year traditions we did keep are 1: calling Marc just after dinner and thanking him for being our Cupid, and 2: doing our annual assessment of last year's accomplishments and challenges, and next year's goals.

All in all I'd say we had a great year, some ups, some downs, but we're better off now than a year ago, especially after a day of bliss, so thanks again Marc.

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