Thursday, November 5, 2009

As I sit here listening to "PIRATES OF PENZANCE" and wishing Mother had known Andrew and vice-versa (sorry Nora, I do not know the spelling) I must disagree and be thankful my long term memory leaves a lot to be desired. I remember dressing up in the big girls starched petticoats and singing and dancing with Jan for a show we insisted Mother and Dad watch and admire. I do not know why, but the record that comes to mind is "THE 4 SOMETHING(?) SINGING BROADWAY HITS". I especially remember the music from "KISS ME KATE". Don't ask me why, I have no clue.

I am sorry Andrew missed (and Nora got only a very small taste) of someone who absolutely LOVED children, all children, without reservation. Any child, with all their warts, funny hair, bad behavior and without reservation my Mother either loved or was the world's greatest actress! My memories are mostly happy. I remember Mother holding Curtis when she was practically blind and Voleta or Berchie (I cannot remember which one) commented on the embarassment of having a child of color. I remember Mother saying "it feels like a baby to me". My children would have fallen in love, as all kids did, with our Mother.

I remember the rich kids from Pleasant Hill wanting to come to my house and I am pretty sure it was not because I was special! I remember the "decorate the cookies" birthday party and the Cinderalla Cake - TWICE - once when I was twelve and again when I turned 21! How good is that! I feel sorry for people who are not me.

The music is over so Ta-ta for now. I must finish cleaning for the Friday night wine & cheese block party. We finally have new neighbors, so it is not just Sonja, myself and the "informer".

Nora - where is "spellcheck" on this thing?

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