Sunday, November 1, 2009

Notes from Julia - Bella Vista
I have been lazy since returning from Greenleaf - so this is pretty boring (I live a very small life and I love it!).
I had a wonderful 61st birthday celebration with Andrew, Nora, Jeffery and Tal. Tal is back on the road and we had a week of drizzly, dreary weather. I did nothing but go to work, help our church move to a new location and go home to vegetate! We finally had a nice Saturday, so Jeffery & I helped St. Matthews move "the big stuff" to the new location.
Sunday morning dawned clear and crisp (41 degrees) so Jeffery & I started our 3 mile Crystal Bridges trail to check on progress of the new art museum and the James Turrell sculpture (?).
The "sculpture" is a round building with a hole in the top so you can go in, sit down, and admire the sky and clouds moving overhead and meditate on your past, present and future life, lives or whatever. The building is beautiful, peaceful and I can hardly wait to get inside. BUT - I am just not sure it is art. By the time we had finished our 3 miles the sun was well and truely up in the sky and the temp had risen substantially. It is a GLORIOUS Sunday! I am looking off my back deck to a lovely full moon just rising. The back deck is actually facing southeast (I think) - Dad would absolutely die and it is hard for me to comprehend. A house should be oriented north, south, east or west!
Jeffery and I are looking forward to as many people as possible for Christmas Breakfast, Saturday, December 5th @ 10:00 a.m. (or whenever you can get here) @ Tal & Julia Bowman's -xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx . Between #16 Victoria Lane and #9 Kenneth Lane, we have 4 beds, 2 couches, 1 big cot (Jean can vouch for it's comfort) and 2 small cots. We can also call upon Nora @ 479-841-9358 for reservations in case you have forgotten what it was like when ten of us lived in 800(?) sq. ft. on 50th Street.
ps. I have no clue if I got the photos of the James Turrell sculpture posted - but who cares!
Love to all...Julia


  1. You are right, the picture didn't post, but who cares, although I am curious about the art work.

    You made us a part of your perfect Sunday. Tell Jeff "Hey" from the Pacific Northwest.

  2. Sorry Julia, I just couldn't stand your personal phone numbers in a public blog... If you want them on there just go back and edit.

    Love, Jan
