Friday, June 25, 2010

A Drive Through The City

Okay Mark, I have to ask -- what did you mean by "they payed so I got an iPad?" Who paid what? Kiddo's and wife?

Are iPad's starting to take over the world? Stephanie has hers and loves it and has kindly let me play with it, actually it is easy enough for me. I'll probably get mine in about the year 2020, not exactly cutting edge am I. I am better at eating out.

While Kathy was here we became interested in restaurants featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. We didn't go to a single one, but it was fun listing them. Now, I'm ready for a new different restaurant excursion. Georgia's Greek, Pam's Kitchen, Bizzarro Italian Cafe, Bobby's Hawaiian Style, Voula's Off Shore Cafe, Slim's Last Chance Chicken, Mike's Chili Parlor, but today it was The Portage Bay Cafe, not on the Dives list

Lynn and I went to breakfast at a place Roger loves. He highly recommended The Portage Bay Cafe, trendy, organic, pricey and worth the wait, so he said.

There are several locations scattered around the Seattle area with one in Ballard. I figured that would be easy to park at and I could also say hi to Christian, have a misty morning drive and eat organic pancakes, but the Ballard location proved to be, well, difficult. So off we went to The Portage Bay Cafe on Roosevelt. I noticed several things on my drive through the city towards the University district for a mighty fine breakfast, the first was a bumper sticker that said;

"Honk if you don't exist."
Then "Eschew Obfuscation."
Then "Stop bitching and start a revolution." Yep, we are in the U District...

We walked into the busy crowded restaurant and was seated in about thirty seconds, just long enough to read the restaurant's logo on the back of their t-shirts, "Eat like you give a damn."
Yep, we are in Seattle.

1 comment:

  1. First, it should have been "paid", which is an anagrams of "iPad". And yes, they bought it, as I would never spend that much money on myself. I got the 64 gigabyte 3G capable model with a case and the extended protection plan--which cost $$$$.
