Monday, June 7, 2010

Sink into Bliss

A movie I was watching about Antarctica mentioned the phrase "Sink into Bliss." Isn't that a lovely phrase. Bliss as in joy, spiritual or secular. Bliss as a part of our everyday life. Bliss as an alternative to entitlement, grandiose pronouncements, disdain.

When I hear people say I would never eat what ever it is that they would never eat, I figure they have never been hungry.

When I hear people say I would never wear what ever it is that they would never wear, I figure they have never been cold.

When I hear people say I would never live where ever it is that they would never live, I figure they have never been homeless.

I don't sleep under a bridge, I don't scavenge my food, and I ain't too particular about what I wear so bliss comes easy for me. An everyday sort of bliss, as in joy, secular or spiritual. Bliss as in company is coming.

The house is tidy and the toilet scrubbed. I bought meat, fruit, bagels, spam, ketchup, picante and coffee, lots of coffee. Plans have been made and reservations completed. The car is gassed up, the grandson is all shined and sparkly, the excitement is mounting, I'm ready.

And Kathy and Jerry will soon be doing the kayaking thing. Bliss

People don't remember what you owned, they remember what you did. Think of mother and try to name seven prized possessions. And then think of all she did. Think of all she loved. Think of all her bliss.

Life isn't always an instant message.

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