Friday, November 12, 2010

Here is the review I put right after Jean's on the state of OK state park site. I was going to email Marc Harris but I didn't have his email address, so I sent it to everyone else instead. Love, Jan

If you want chrome and animatronics go some place else.

If you want real rocks, real trees, real water, real fish, real fires, and real family reunions go to Greenleaf. Our family, over forty strong, have always had a good time. It's great for us old folks to sit in the shade and visit. It's great for the kids with the playgrounds, fishing docks, activities, and real animals.

We have enjoyed it in the heat of the summer, the cold of the winter and during the glory of fall. We go back every year. However bad the bathrooms are we keep returning.

I just received Marc's email: I wasn't on the original distribution list.
Thank you Cathy for forwarding it.

Here is the actual photo link:

All ... to expand on Jan's email and send some photos as evidence to her claim ... IT WAS AWESOME! Just follow this link, DOUBLE CLICK on blue text HERE "Pictures from Marc Taylor", follow to album on Shutterfly ... includes a couple of Jack and Jordan playing softball and football respectively. All kinds of crazy family pics, the turkey photos are courtesy of Jack and Jordan, the tree changing colors is for Janice, whom we missed ... you too Art! As a side note, Clark survived the pile on kid sandwich (see attached picture) BUT dislocated and broke his thumb in PE at school yesterday, had surgery, and is recovering ... please keep him in your prayers. We got him through football without injury and he will now miss 4-6 weeks of basketball (his greatest love). Crazy how life works out sometimes ...

Not to get too mushy, but I came across this while reading a book on my travels to China this week ... I think we can agree that all of mankind is eagerly searching for happiness ... from an eastern perspective here is a good discourse which made an impact on me ... in truth, our retreat, family, and the spirit of Clark and Maxine are all touched by the following ideals in many ways ... no wonder Greenleaf is always such a "HAPPY" place for us all! See you next year.

Much love, be safe!

The Buddha was approached one night by a deva who posed the question:
Many gods and men are eager to know what are the greatest blessings which bring about a peaceful and happy life?

Here is his answer:

Not to be associated with the foolish one's,
To live in the company of wise people,
Honoring those who are worth honoring -
This is the greatest happiness.

To live in a good environment,
To have planted good seeds,
And to realize that you are on the right path -
This is the greatest happiness.

To have a chance to learn and grow,
To be skillful in your profession or craft,
Practicing the precepts and loving speech -
This is the greatest happiness.

To be able to serve and support your PARENTS,
To have a vocation that brings you joy -
This is the greatest happiness.

To live honestly, generous in giving,
Living a life of blameless conduct -
This is the greatest happiness.

To avoid unwholesome actions,
Not caught by alcoholism or drugs,
And to be diligent in doing good things -
This is the greatest happiness.

To be humble and polite in manner,
To be grateful and content with a simple life,
Not missing the occasion to learn the Darhma -
This is the greatest happiness.

To persevere and be open to change,
To have regular contact with monks and nuns,
And to fully participate in Darhma discussions -
This is the greatest happiness.

To live diligently and attentively,
To perceive the Noble Truths,
And to realize Nirvana -
This is the greatest happiness.

To live in the world,
With your heart undisturbed by the world,
With all sorrows ended, dwelling in peace -
This is the greatest happiness.

For one who accomplishes this,
Is unvanquished wherever she goes;
Always he is safe and happy -
This is the greatest happiness.

Happiness lives within oneself.

This is lovely Marc, thank you!

1 comment:

  1. One more from American Buddhist Teacher

    "Life is so hard, how can we be anything but kind?" - Jack Kornfield
